2011 lost everything..2012 im getting it back

Originally Posted by Brandon3000


I'm ready
Definitely next year will be a great year.
I am just waiting for this year to be over with.
Next semester will be doing what i want to do as classes go.
Good luck op.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

what's wrong with Dec 7th 2011?

Word, don't wait till the next year. Make moves and start doing your thing now. I hope things pan out in your favor dude
Originally Posted by twizzi

we on the come up 2012 i might even be brave enough to post some of my songs and youtube vids in the music section, lol i've been bluffing on putting it up cause NT is ruthless sometimes

Well to keep it honest, if your joint is tight, some will keep it real. There are honest critics on here.
Originally Posted by megatron

but 2011 has been REALLY REALLY REALLY down for me

I got nowhere to go but up in 2012


My L's brought me to tears the other morning. And I'm generally a pretty tough %*%%%. But the come up is happening.


Won't be long...

Your gonna make a comeback the year we're supposed to be destroyed...epic fail.


But GL man.
we on the same boat OP .... 2012 is gonna be a good year

Good Luck to everyone
Co-sign. 2011 has been the worst year of my life. I could get smoked by a truck tomorrow, and wouldn't be surprised due to how things have gone.
Yeah, the year isn't ending the way that I want it to end. Sigh.

Anyway OP, like the others on here have said, nowhere to go but up in 2012. Good luck NT fambs.
I wish you luck fam im waiting for the thread title change to include 2013 getting ready to take over the world
2011 was horrible, I'm gonna try and turn stuff around in 2012 though. Gotta get my financial situation in check. That >Everything else
Haven't lost EVERYTHING but it sure as hell feels like it.

Same situation, my girl of 4 years broke up with me and moved out 5 days before I was gonna ask her to marry me

I live around 30min from my closest friends and family and am always working so I don't see them much.

My job and the hunger for money and material things really got to me this year. I wanna re-invest time in relationships and have work take a bit of a backseat in 2012. I wanna get that personal growth and satisfaction this year.

Let's get it
I believe my L's this year have opened my eyes to how crazy the world is and Im definitely mentally stronger than last year
i feel this 100%. 2011 pretty much took a !@@% on me, I think i hit rock bottom in terms in depression, family relationships, and just my over all well being and focus in life. But all this comes to an end. I spent too much of this yeah worrying about things that were out of my control, but still affected me in some way, no more of that. 2012, all i'm focusing on is ME, SCHOOL, and my FAM. Oh, and getting a job in this bad economy! I need to get my paper up, I'm selling ALL MY J's AND NIKES, stacking up my paper, and getting my own place. I can't live like this no mo!Plus, all this Occupy Wall Street stuff has really opened my eyes to how much the government really doesn't want us to win. They want to keep us supressed, but %#%* that. I'm stacking ALL my chips and $@%@ and imma be living right next to these crooked politicians..on some ignorant $@%@ lol.

I gotta take me life back!
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