2012 US Pres. Election Thread- Romney wins FL

Originally Posted by knnyngo


Made in China though...



I do like what some of what Ron Paul says
...but other parts of it are just 

If I choose to vote, I just can't have a republican in the office. I'd rather take my chances with the closet atheist and science-embracer I think barack is. 

Paul talks like he can DO everything he says. Thats the problem. Dude isn't realistic enough for me. Hes cool to bounce ideas off of and i'd love to grab a beer with the guy, but the President is merely a pawn. I wish more people would realize this. 
What president isn't a pawn and delivers everything they say? that is some naive %@% perception there.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I do like what some of what Ron Paul says
...but other parts of it are just 
This. Plus the fact that Rand Paul sprang from his nuts is quite off-putting to me. Rand is probably in my top 5 people that I'd like to punch in the mouth (but I won't
I really think 80% of the ron paul young, college crowd (which is a substantial part of his base) simply supports him as the guy getting 0 respect, the one who's so against the grain within the party and they see him as some sort of revolutionary. Now I don't admit to knowing all there is to know about dude but what I have gathered from researching a little about his past, I can agree with his notion that America needs to quit trying to be world powers and dictating our will in some kind of crusade of American moral exceptionalism and imperialism. And let's be honest, a lot of college aged kids. like myself, are enthused in his stance on drugs and the belief that federal law should not mandate drug possession, etc and his "anti-authority" fight the power rhetoric. He has a fairly radical view as far as the majority of presidential candidates are concerned, especially ending the war on drugs and his claim to pardon people imprisoned for non violent drug crimes. One thing I agree with him on to a degree is the over-arching support we have for Israel no matter what, not to say we shouldn't support them, but they are always a target in the Middle East and having the big bad USA behind them only escalates tension they face, plus they can handle their own...his foreign policy is refreshing to be honest. His ideas on 


There are so many problems I have with his past record and  stances on a few issues in particular: I for one don't get down with his beliefs about evolution (you're a medical doctor tho), abortion, Social security, the complete and utter denial and negligence toward a lot of the social welfare reforms that affect "99%" of us, plus the whole newsletter business, he doesn't believe that there should be any separation of church and state (red flag) and lastly...his civil war views are some of the craziest things I've ever heard...saying he would've essentially had the north buy allll the slaves and free them? A massive govn't bailout for slaveowners, cmon man....he's just totally polarizing and would never, ever, ever win the Republican nomination, I don't even think he'd have a good shot for the presidency because his views are so far against the norm, he's a car with a nice shiny, innovative exterior that catches your eye on the surface, then when you look under the hood, the engine and its core is all over the place and isn't traditionally constructed and would most likely fall apart after a ride down the block lol 

If I were a republican, I wouldnt trust him, but out of all the other dreck they have to choose from, I'd have more faith in his overall message I guess
you morons do know that obama has the lowest aproval ratings in history right? obama is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country
Originally Posted by mikykr20

you morons do know that obama has the lowest aproval ratings in history right? obama is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country
Obama current approval rating:  46% average on Real Clear Politics which averages all polls in the past few weeks

Truman mid 1951 just above 20%
Lyndon Johnson dipped below 40% in 67 & 69
Nixon dipped to low 20s% when he resigned in 1974
Gerald Ford below 40% in late 1974
Carter 30% in 79
Reagan 40% when the 83 recession hit
Bush Sr.  35% in 1992 around the election
Clinton low 40% when health care failed in 94
Bush Jr. left office between 25-32%

Originally Posted by Essential1

mikykr20 wrote:
you morons do know that obama has the lowest aproval ratings in history right? obama is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country
Obama current approval rating:  46% average on Real Clear Politics which averages all polls in the past few weeks

Truman mid 1951 just above 20%
Lyndon Johnson dipped below 40% in 67 & 69
Nixon dipped to low 20s% when he resigned in 1974
Gerald Ford below 40% in late 1974
Carter 30% in 79
Reagan 40% when the 83 recession hit
Bush Sr.  35% in 1992 around the election
Clinton low 40% when health care failed in 94
Bush Jr. left office between 25-32%


Originally Posted by mikykr20

you morons do know that obama has the lowest aproval ratings in history right? obama is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country

who's the moron???
I guess you were 5 when Bush was in office before Obama... go sit down and play your Wii
based on exit polls:

Newt finishes 1st
Romney 2nd
Santorum 3rd
Paul 4th

(Paul & Santorum could end up switch because not that big of a difference in exit polls)

But most sources already called SC for Gingrich
If Gingrich wins the GOP nomination I'm going Obama without thinking. But if Romney wins, I'll at least take the time to think about it.

Ron Paul is very intriguing- and has some very good ideas. Problem is, quite a few things he proposes are just too unrealistic.
This is so bad for the Republican Party. I can't believe he won today. Gingrich cannot win in November. Obama has to be grinning right now. As am I.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

Because I have liberal views. I'm all for government regulation and oversight. I think abolishing the Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education departments is crazy. 

Thanks for the response.  Let me research on what RP's stances are on abolishing the above mentioned and WHY he want's them abolished.  

ron paul is a race car driver that basically thumbs his nose at any sort of electronic nanny devices on a car..he feels individuals should have 10000000% control..even if u kill

yourself in da process...he wants people to run their own lives and let states regulate themselves.
^ Ah so if he wants us to have 100% control I assume he is against stop lights, and speed limits

I mean who is the government to tell me when I need to stop my car so other traffic can come through, and what speed I have to drive when going through a school zone, or a residential neighborhood...

There is no such thing as 100% control...

I'm being highly patronizing of the "1000000% control to run their own lives" if you didn't catch that
The Republican Party is making this easy for President Obama. These candidates are dividing the party. Santorum can easily receive the Evangelical vote and the extreme right wingers. I believe Romney has the ability to sway a large percentage of Democratic voters from '08 to vote R this November. That right there seems great for the GOP, however, I also think extreme right wingers would rather stay home on election day then support a candidate like Romney. As far as Gingrich, he will be able to sway older Conservative voters who have knowledge of his time in Congress.

Gingrich did work with Clinton during similar economic times back in 1992, so that makes him look like a solid candidate. However, his association with Fannie and Freddie will hurt him. His unfaithfulness in marriage will sway the ultra-conservative.

Right now it's a shot in the dark for the GOP. I believe Romney has the only chance at beating Obama. If is campaign staff can come up with some strategy to limit the talk about his perosnal wealth, he can even have a great shot at being our next President.

I'm a huge Democrat, but Obama has been unimpressive lately. His stance on the Keystone Pipeline seems odd to me. I understand the environmental impact that could be associated with this, but the project seems like it can be something close to FDRs New Deal. Large scale shovel ready project, new jobs, cutting dependency on foreign oil (How much, I'm not sure but it's a start) and the ability to snowball into other large scale projects in the area.
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