2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

You see how Braxton looked like garbage and OSU WRs couldn't get open when they played a real defense. Meyer has work to do if he wants to make OSU NC caliber.

Meyer probably should have stuck with Guiton. Against those garbage defenses OSU was playing it didn't matter but when OSU finally played a legit defense the real Braxton Miller showed up. Guiton prob gives OSU a better shot to win against a real defense
*Makes several irrational statements to try to downplay the strength of a conference because the one their team plays in is inferior*

*When their motives are questioned and a fan of a team in said conference presents facts for the dominance of that conference the opposers cry 'conference pride'*

I just don't understand why these fans off these mediocre SEC programs like to even discuss this topic.
 Look at you, hate by any means necessary.





Can't wait to see Dennard in the NFL

:hat Dude is great

Whats funny is AU might be the best defense FSU faced all year 8o


Above all conference pride, fam and whatever, I want to see Free Shoes University get knocked off this pedestal their currently
perched on.


You see how Braxton looked like garbage and OSU WRs couldn't get open when they played a real defense.

Clamps all night
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Conference pride is funny to me. I hate basically every other team in the ACC and would root for every single one of them to lose in a NC game. And I give no damns what the ACC record against other conferences is.

Can't imagine a Bama fan rooting for Auburn in the NC because of "SEC Pride"
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