2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Lol You taking this way too serious

Busting out pics of dudes wife just to debunk gay rumors

Are you chris bosh?
go sit in the corner and giggle buddy, i'm not taking anything that serious bro... you guys are trying hard to prove he's gay.
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go sit in the corner and giggle buddy, i'm not taking anything that serious bro... you guys are trying hard to prove he's gay.

No you get highly offended for some reason. We just having fun. It really is no big deal. His sexuality dont mean nothing on the court. Its just funny how angry you get

Like come on lol
gay or straight, what's it to you? are you insecure with yourself?
is a person's sexuality suppose to garner laughs?
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Sweet. Very enlightening discussion about the Cap. Forgot things don't stay serious for long in here. 

You guys have fun discussing whether or not another man is banging a Man or a Woman, In an NBA thread
whats wrong with a dude being gay?

kinda surprised yall are making such an issue about it....

Nobody is making an issue. Nobody taking it serious. If you gay more power to you.

Guys were having fun with the puns and funny bosh pics.

Relax chief
I don't think he's actually homosexual. I think it's funny because he just acts really funny, and I think he knows what he's doing. It's not even a gay thing at this point, its a 'dude, you are weird as hell' thing.
So in a league where 1 guy can literally be the difference on a championship level team, allow a league of have & have nots become even more divided with no salary cap?

How would the NBA benefit from that?
I don't think he's actually homosexual. I think it's funny because he just acts really funny, and I think he knows what he's doing. It's not even a gay thing at this point, its a 'dude, you are weird as hell' thing.
right, Bosh is a troll, dudes stay trying to clown him and try so hard to prove it with pics where you can see Bosh is clearly having fun with it, but they all jump on my case like i'm bosh's savior or some ish. let that boy do him.
So in a league where 1 guy can literally be the difference on a championship level team, allow a league of have & have nots become even more divided with no salary cap?

How would the NBA benefit from that?
It wouldn't play out that way. The league only has so many SUPERSTARS anyway. And putting them all on one team is not the norm. The Heat sutuation was unique but not the first time it's happened. Just probably the first time it worked.

Not everyone wants to play for the Yankees. A lot do. 

Paying a player super stupid money to be on your team is not something that will be increased due to a lack of salary cap. 

It happens underneath the cap and only a few get it, would be the same without a cap
Nope i beat u
pics weren't showing up, just trying to help 

is this why you unfollowed me on IG? 
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No, i'm arguing that Bosh is no more of a down low "big" than Tristan. reading is fundamental...
Think Bosh may be more of a down low big than Tristan...actually anyone TBH

No, i'm arguing that Bosh is no more of a down low "big" than Tristan. reading is fundamental...
Think Bosh may be more of a down low big than Tristan...actually anyone TBH
Kings getting a minor jersey update this year. I like them


I wish they went to Seattle.
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