2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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I don't understand nor care about these stupid Vegas lines

They don't mean anything other than what people are betting on. People were putting so much money on the Cavs that bets started going the other way. The sportsbooks just respond to what the bettors are doing.
Lebron to go to Cleveland has shifted all the way to +100 ...maybe he is going back to Miami

They just trying to get money from both sides
I could easily shut you up but ok
Listening to 790 in miami, some of these "heat fans" making us few real heat fans look bad. There was even this one dude who admitted to being a bandwagon and said nothing was wrong with leaving games early :smh: :smh: :smh:
Think Melo replacing Bosh in Miami is a lateral move at best.

Ideally they would want to have Wade replace Melo, but that ain't happening. :lol:

If the Big 3 comes back, Bosh needs to supplant Wade as the no. 2 option.

They about that slumber party life though. Bosh was never really one of them.
There's a problem with the Bulls, just amnestying Boozer they only have $13mil in space. Not including having to bring in Mirotic which will be another couple of mil.

Only way he gets to Chicago is through a S&T, which because Phil would have to take on Boozer instead he will want a lot in return.

Basically the only way to get to Chicago, is the same way he got to New York, gutting the team.
thats far to simple id like to think we could get another team in on the action.

And push come to shove we really don't know what Phil will do just how he was hinting at not offering melo the max and 1st chance he got he throw him the max. So who knows what he would do
i hope there is a live stream of all the people on the Cleveland and Akron streets if LeBron announces he resigned with Miami
If Melo went to the Heat I wouldn't be mad about it but I don't want all these dudes teaming up like this. I like the fact that they can have some control over how their careers play out instead of everything being in hands of a owner or GM but damn yall wanna make it that easy? I didn't wanna see Kobe and TMac on the same team. I wanted to watch 'em go at each other.
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