2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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If Kobe remains somewhat healthy, no way he will retire after this contract... he's not leaving all that bread on the table.
werent they saying the new cap woul be close to $90 mill?

This is still a fluid situation but all signs point to about a 16 mil increase from the current cap. Where did you get the 90 mil cap from? Check this out:

After years of steady growth followed by stagnancy until this year, the salary cap rocketing upward could cause all sorts of complications. Already, players – including LeBron James – are structuring their contracts to take advantage of the predicted high cap.

However, the NBA has other ideas.

Zach Lowe of Grantland:

Executives on lots of teams have gotten the sense from the league office that the NBA will try to smooth the increase of the cap level to minimize the impact of any massive one-year jump in revenue. Exactly how it would do that is unclear. The precise team salary cap — $58 million last season, $63 million this season — is tied to overall league revenues; the two rise and fall together. Players are guaranteed about 50 percent of the league’s “basketball-related income,” and the league and union set the cap figure so player salaries add up to a number in that 50 percent ballpark.

The league’s specific plan for smoothing out the cap increase is unclear, and in the end, it may opt against doing so at all. The players will receive their guaranteed 50 percent share of revenues regardless of any engineering.

There are a lot of roadblocks to smoothing the cap’s growth.

The cap is set by formula based on league-wide revenue. The only way, under the current rules, for the cap to be less is for revenues to be less.

Perhaps, the NBA could bargain with the National Basketball Players Association, offering a higher percentage of revenues in future years in exchange for the players getting a reduced cut in 2016-17. But only current players would be voting on that proposal, and they want the money coming in while they’re still in the league.

Kevin Pelton of ESPN has suggested the NBA structure its new TV deal so the money arrives in strategic stages rather than too much at once, but that runs into a similar issue. I can’t see current owners deferring revenue they could get sooner than later just to keep some of it from the players.

Adam Silver has frequently called the players “partners” in the league’s growth. In the end, I think he’ll have to heed those words and watch the salary cap – and therefore, player salaries – suddenly soar as the owners get a huge influx of revenue.

It’s not a bad problem for anyone involved.

All hell would break loose if they somehow tried to back load the contract. I don't see that happening
I didnt say exactly 90. It was one of the known guys, forgot who this was about 2 months back. they were throwing numbers in the 80-90 million area.
Revenue split - you buy a jersey, 57% went to the players, this was lowered to 51% to the players.

Luxury tax - prior it was 1 dollar for every dollar you went over the tax. The big market teams would ignore the tax because they're making bank. The tax was changed to incrementally raise up to 3.75$ - 1$, and an extra dollar 4.75$-1$ for repeating year after year. Bkn, the most exaggerated example whose russian billionaire ignored the tax, is paying his players ~100,000,000$ total, getting taxed over 200,000,000$. This money that is taxed is split by non-tax paying teams.

"8 Teams lost money last year: 

Orlando ($2 million loss)
Sacramento ($3 million)
New York ($3.5 million)
Charlotte ($8 million)
Detroit ($12 million)
Atlanta ($13 million)
D.C. ($13 million)
Brooklyn ($144 million)

On the other end of the spectrum, Lowe reports that the most profitable team in the NBA this season was the suddenly terrible (at least on the court) Los Angeles Lakers, with $100.1 million in profits. Here's the rest of the top five:
2. Chicago ($61 million)
3. Houston ($40.7 million)
4. Boston ($33.1 million)
5. Oklahoma City ($29 million)"

Overall, NBA is profitable again for owners, and there's not a good argument for owners to not increase the new cap.
Players strike is coming, but what kind of headway can they make? The owners can hold out for longer than the players can, I dont think theyre going to push the revenue split in their favour as much as they would like to.
I didnt say exactly 90. It was one of the known guys, forgot who this was about 2 months back. they were throwing numbers in the 80-90 million area.

It's still possible for the cap to further increase, pending another profitable source of revenue such as sponsors on jerseys
These dudes ain't striking.

They can't miss a full year of income.

If they had the balls to strike they wouldn't have signed the current CBA in the first place.

The average NBA player's salary is going to explode. Them dudes ain't missing a year of checks so Kobe can get an extra 5 million a year.

I've never been so confident so something sports related in my life.
Players strike is coming, but what kind of headway can they make? The owners can hold out for longer than the players can, I dont think theyre going to push the revenue split in their favour as much as they would like to.

Nba players aren't striking.
Kemba rebounds, assists, plays defense better and turns over the ball less than Monta
Can you explain why you're randomly choosing to compare a point guard to a shooting guard
Please tell me this is photoshop

This has to be the part of the hair transplant where they say your hair falls out
According to Basketball reference...... yes..... Calderon did

My point is that Kemba is a good player, a borderline All Star caliber player like Monta Ellis
These dudes ain't striking.

They can't miss a full year of income.

If they had the balls to strike they wouldn't have signed the current CBA in the first place.

The average NBA player's salary is going to explode. Them dudes ain't missing a year of checks so Kobe can get an extra 5 million a year.

I've never been so confident so something sports related in my life.

A full yr?

These dudes can't even miss a month of income, the way they spend.
According to Basketball reference...... yes..... Calderon did

My point is that Kemba is a good player, a borderline All Star caliber player like Monta Ellis
Top Five-Man Floor Units
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Marion-Nowitzki-Dalembert[/td][td]844  [/td][td]1.10 [/td][td]1.10 [/td][td]-3  [/td][td]28  [/td][td]33  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Carter-Marion-Dalembert[/td][td]257  [/td][td]1.03 [/td][td]1.08 [/td][td]-22  [/td][td]23  [/td][td]30  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Marion-Nowitzki-Blair[/td][td]228  [/td][td]1.15 [/td][td]1.15 [/td][td]-1  [/td][td]22  [/td][td]22  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Carter-Marion-Blair[/td][td]182  [/td][td]1.06 [/td][td]1.09 [/td][td]-26  [/td][td]22  [/td][td]29  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Carter-Marion-Wright[/td][td]101  [/td][td]1.04 [/td][td]1.27 [/td][td]-44  [/td][td]12  [/td][td]19  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Marion-Nowitzki-Wright[/td][td]77  [/td][td]1.16 [/td][td]1.29 [/td][td]-12  [/td][td]10  [/td][td]9  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Crowder-Nowitzki-Dalembert[/td][td]66  [/td][td]1.08 [/td][td]1.06 [/td][td]4  [/td][td]5  [/td][td]5  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Carter-Nowitzki-Dalembert[/td][td]64  [/td][td]1.04 [/td][td].98 [/td][td]24  [/td][td]16  [/td][td]11  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Carter-Nowitzki-Wright[/td][td]61  [/td][td]1.21 [/td][td]1.30 [/td][td]13  [/td][td]14  [/td][td]11  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Harris-Ellis-Crowder-Nowitzki-Wright[/td][td]56  [/td][td]1.42 [/td][td]1.18 [/td][td]16  [/td][td]10  [/td][td]9  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Harris-Ellis-Carter-Marion-Blair[/td][td]53  [/td][td]1.11 [/td][td]1.23 [/td][td]-17  [/td][td]7  [/td][td]15  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Carter-Nowitzki-Blair[/td][td]39  [/td][td]1.21 [/td][td]1.03 [/td][td]30  [/td][td]16  [/td][td]7  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Harris-Ellis-Carter-Marion-Dalembert[/td][td]37  [/td][td]1.06 [/td][td]1.01 [/td][td]3  [/td][td]6  [/td][td]8  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Crowder-Marion-Blair[/td][td]37  [/td][td]1.14 [/td][td].95 [/td][td]14  [/td][td]4  [/td][td]4  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Ellis-Carter-Crowder-Marion-Blair[/td][td]34  [/td][td]1.11 [/td][td].99 [/td][td]13  [/td][td]8  [/td][td]6  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Harris-Ellis-Carter-Marion-Wright[/td][td]34  [/td][td]1.17 [/td][td]1.08 [/td][td]-1  [/td][td]8  [/td][td]9  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Harris-Ellis-Carter-Nowitzki-Wright[/td][td]29  [/td][td]1.23 [/td][td].90 [/td][td]30  [/td][td]11  [/td][td]3  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Harris-Ellis-Marion-Nowitzki-Wright[/td][td]27  [/td][td]1.11 [/td][td]1.02 [/td][td]8  [/td][td]6  [/td][td]1  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Crowder-Nowitzki-Wright[/td][td]27  [/td][td]1.06 [/td][td].85 [/td][td]11  [/td][td]6  [/td][td]3  [/td][td]
[/td][td]  Calderon-Ellis-Carter-Wright-Blair[/td][td]25  [/td][td].96 [/td][td]1.02 [/td][td]-2  [/td][td]3  [/td][td]4  [/td][td]
Where and when did Calderon play shooting guard

Ellis is a borderline All-Star because the shooting guard position is the weakest in the league. Wall, Irving, Lowry, Rose. It's going to be tough to be an All-Star, especially if Rondo finally gets healthy.
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