2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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_____ end the streak
and every time w's bury them

i think their first loss comes on the road trip in feb after the AS break. possibly to the heat
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I know it's been discussed on and off in the past couple years, usually in regards to the playoff threads and series threads.. but would people be interested in keeping this thread for regular NBA discussion.. but creating a separate daily game thread?

I know this thread moves very quickly during gamenights and creating a separate thread each day for that days games might be a solution. It wouldn't be much extra work, just before the games start up, someone creates a thread for that nights in-game discussion... then the season thread can still be used if people want to discuss other things that would otherwise be lost in the shuffle once the games started.

It could also help people who want to throw out the Clipper, Cavs, Bron, hate and get all of that out of their system, before coming back into the regular thread 
 I also know for myself if I miss a day or night of the NBA thread, when I come back I see 500 new replies, and I go through them and most of it's game discussion.. so sometimes you miss an interesting article, link, discussion, etc.

Just an idea, I know it's been thrown out there before.
Don't think individual game threads would work anymore. When did we start making all-inclusive threads? MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, College football, College BBall, WNBA, MMA, Soccer, Boxing, along with all the team threads.

I miss the days when a big trade/injury/firing went down and you saw at the top of S&T :frown:

All of you get off my lawn.
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