2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] the Morris twins gotta be the most disrespectful players in the league.

Kieff has done everything in his power to get traded this season.
Hornacek deserves better.. Send him to Utah and let him right that ship.. Seems right
Pg 12pts on 5-19 in 40 min
Kobe on having to be "realistic" about the Lakers talent this year.. "You can train a cat to bark...but the cat isn't going to bark"

Shows the importance of staggering minutes, and basically the fact the Spurs/GSW can play anyone on their roster

Best lineups in the NBA that have played 150+ minutes

Best lineups in the NBA that have played 50+ minutes

Here's an example of Doc Rivers being an imbecile. There's so much wrong with what doc has done with the clips this year (Clipper thread has a lot more lol) but this is a prime example

The core four plus lance is not only our best lineup, but a top two lineup in the league this year.

It has played a total of 7 minutes in the month of december :rofl: :rofl:
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To make matters worse for Doc and the Clips, he's played the corr four plus lance 7 minutes total in december, but continues to play pierce and crawford together despite the astronomically bad results.

Pierce and Crawford have played 339 minutes together this year and they are a net -11.

Just awful stuff from doc
Pg 12pts on 5-19 in 40 min
Here's an example of Doc Rivers being an imbecile. There's so much wrong with what doc has done with the clips this year (Clipper thread has a lot more lol) but this is a prime example

The core four plus lance is not only our best lineup, but a top two lineup in the league this year.

It has played a total of 7 minutes in the month of december
I wanted Lance but I don't think Doc's gonna make any trades any time soon 
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