2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Kobe almost popped IT's arm out his socket 
like a lil kid
Warriors getting exposed without Curry :nerd: :nthat:

Turns out when you're missing half your top 8 guys, you might have problems against a strong team like Dallas. It's not like they're getting blown out by the Sixers.
lakers need to chill and not win. philly on a nice little streak, just let them overtake them in the w's column and bottom out
I heard it mentioned on here a time or two this season. Wall is by far the best PG in the East. These scoring PG can't do anything if they have a bad scoring night. One trick pony players.

Wall, imo, is still the best PG in the East.

I got flamed last year by a lot of people when I said that Wall was a better basketball player than Kyrie Irving. Nice to see Wall get the props he deserves.
I got flamed last year by a lot of people when I said that Wall was a better basketball player than Kyrie Irving. Nice to see Wall get the props he deserves.

I think it's tough cause Kyrie just can never stay healthy. I really dont' know what to think of Kyrie right now and i'm a pretty big fan of the guy.
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