2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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I'm behind Sixers bench, Okafor's Dad behind me - he's nonstop HARASSING Brett Brown. End of half Jah finally told Dad to cut it out.
— Michael H. Weber (@thisisweber) January 3, 2016
How does this end? I thought it would be more like the end of the Fresh Prince theme song but he'd be lucky to end up in Bel-air
Jahlil's dad seemed like the type based on the times the camera would zoom in on him and the promos while he was at Duke.


@ESPNSteinLine Fresh 2016 NBA bench rumble: There is active buzz in coaching circles that Mike D'Antoni will be on Suns' list if/when that job comes open
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^ blowing the media is the cool thing to do nowadays
Nickmaz coming through with the double aunt-andres
ya hyping that dunk by that jordan clarkson did. had me thinking he killed someone :smh:
len with that fake block attempt, didnt even put is body in front to contest, hate big men that are afraid of being posterized
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Jimmy Bryant [emoji]128524[/emoji][emoji]128524[/emoji]
View media item 1793929

The hell did he do to the reporter that was soooooo awful?

Was he supposed to feed into a nonsense question?

Dude answered it straight up and kept it moving

I guess, but the fact is that Russ has a long history of going out of his way to be a **** to the media regardless of the quality of the questions. He acts like every question is stupid.

I happen to agree with a-friend that its not cool and, generally speaking, Russ should be less hostile with the media. But I know that's the unpopular view on here, where people worship Russ' supposed "alpha-ness." :rolleyes
Any sports reporter in OKC will tell you that the worst part of their job is the covering the Thunder.
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NBA Star Andre Iguodala’s VIDEO MODEL BABYS MAMA Says She CAN’T AFFORD . . . To Raise Their Daughter . . . On The MEASLY $18K A MONTH In Child Support . . . That He GIVES HER!!!

$216K a year

i can't even

Typical old dude with the lazy analysis.

The Morris twins took a pay cut to play together. That was clear during the negotiations. The Suns acting like they play no part in this. This isn't the first guy they've annoyed. Maybe they need to look in the mirror.
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