2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Have no cable so I only caught the gs Vs clv game. SMH I'm missing Steph going off and kawahi down his thang smh
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We've seen 11ppg & 39% shooting thru almost half the season for the "next Steph curry/Manu/Harden". Boy if he don't...... :rofl:

All jokes aside, D-Lo will be fine. I just don't see him as a star. Maybe a 15ppg & 6apg type player for his career.
Two things.

I asked Lakers fans in the offseason if they wouls be rooting for their team this year and they told me this was the year they start rooting for wins. I see a few people celebrating losses again :lol: :smh:

I can't stand when people say "I hate x but I respect him." Are there athletes you don't respect? Are there players you like but don't respect?

There are the obvious dudes who have done terrible things off the court but as far on-field/court...I can't think of anyone I don't respect. Y'all some disrespectful people on here.

Maybe dudes who went back on their word like Elton Brand and DJ?
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[quote name="Freeze"][quote name="lawdog1"]Said, "Kobe, I hate you, but I respect you. You won't be missed."
How you tell someone you respect them, but they won't be missed?[/quote]Easy there, Feelze.

Respect has NOTHING to do with liking.

I've heard people that I respected but couldn't stand got fired, and my attitude was the same: "I respect you, but DEUCES!"

I might respect them because they're awesome parents but maybe can't stand them because they gossip, or maybe I respect them for their work with the homeless but can't stand them because they're bossy at work.

Ooorrrr... respect them because they have a strong work ethic but can't stand how egocentric and contrived they are.

Tons of examples of respecting someone that you're glad to see leave.[/quote]

Feelze! lmaooo that was clever.

I think I just meant from the standpoint you tell his you respect and then hit him with disrespect in the same sentence.

Kinda like one of those 'no disrespect but..' and then comes the waves of utter disregard for human life.
I didn't care about wins and losses at the beginning of the season, I put a focus on player development. Now I care about player development and losses. :lol:
Two things.

I asked Lakers fans in the offseason if they wouls be rooting for their team this year and they told me this was the year they start rooting for wins. I see a few people celebrating losses again :lol: :smh:

That's me.

I rooted for development. Then I saw Byron still had his "job" and realized that's futile.

Then I saw Ben Simmons and Brandon Ingram play.

Then I began dreaming about Ingram/DLo/Randle/Clarkson/Nance/Brown and 60 million dollars in cap space.

Then I changed my mind. :pimp:
What's on your mind Wavy?

Thought you didn't include Randle in your core. Misread your post. Wondering if Lakers fans still high on him.

Love the kid. He's a little raw, and Byron is a moron and puts the ball in his hands too much when that's what DLo/Clarkson should be doing, but he's a double double a night in his sleep.

Refine a few things, let him turn 21-22-23-24 he'll learn and grow.

I like him just fine. But DLo/Ingram would be my "focus" of the core.

We've talked about that group of kids + a Horford/Batum FA signing and then letting them develop. (The higher end dreams of course involve Ben Simmons, Durant, LeBron, Dwight, Whiteside, etc but we all know those are unlikely til we show true growth.)

Oh, and a real coach to take over for Byron.
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