2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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watching the replay since i was watching the entertainment that was the bengals/steelers last night, he gave the sacramento queens the bidness last night. all hail to king steph
free seth!
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didn't like the trade at the time & it looks even worse 3 years later

i understand if you trade away your future for a young star but Billy King traded for Kevin Garnett & Paul Pierce :lol:
I think the new Nets gm should just blow their team up like Sixers and trade away anyone with some value left for picks and get rid of those massive contracts and get some decent players and rebuild.

Hit the Sixers up for some first rounders lol
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Now that I look back at it the MCW trade wasn't that bad. Sixers got a potential #4 pick for him
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[quote name="sea manup"]steph is the best PG since (Kidd, who was the best PG since Stockton, who was the best pg since) magic[/quote]Fixed.
steph curry scores way better than all 3 though of those mentioned though , though he will never be a better passer than jason kidd imo 
[quote name="iLLiCiT305"]steph curry scores way better than all 3 though of those mentioned though[/quote]Agreed.[quote name="iLLiCiT305"]though he will never be a better passer than jason kidd imo[/quote]And agreed.

I just need to see him do what he's doing right now for longer before I personally put him ahead of those 2.
Boston needs to hire billy king. He's done everything in his power to Jumpstart that franchise.

I feel like steph is capable of being a goat passer he just aint really interested. Wouldn't surprise if he were to shift his focus on passing for a season or two just to prove it tho.
Boston needs to hire billy king. He's done everything in his power to Jumpstart that franchise.

I feel like steph is capable of being a goat passer he just aint really interested. Wouldn't surprise if he were to shift his focus on passing for a season or two just to prove it tho.
warriors offense would not be nearly as lethal if steph had a steve nash pass first mindset 
I just don't understand it. :lol:

Like, why?

I'm not saying you can't. I just don't understand the etiology of Steph hate.

Because he and his squad are in the way of yours, sure, I get that. That's frustration, though. I don't get the hate.

Hope his wife cheats on him? :lol: :wow: That's not just because he's in the way of the Thunder.

What is that? :lol:
warriors offense would not be nearly as lethal if steph had a steve nash pass first mindset 
The irony in this statement
. Steve nash and his pass first mindset led to some decent offense.
that suns offense was built around steve nash and his passing

warriors have 5 great passers on the floor at all times

they have their PF averaging 7.4 assists per game

steph is the greatest shooter ever

him making an effort to pass up on shots and give the ball to lesser shooters is not going to help the offense

there's reason why pass first PG led teams never win anything while steph has 1, kobe has 5, mj has 6, wade has 3

the point of basketball is to score more than the other team. when you are the best offensive player in the world, passing up shots just for the sake of being pass first hurts your team more than it helps. 

It should never be about pass first or shoot first. its about making the best basketball play, and when you're steph curry shooting is almost always the best basketball play 
Steph is amazing. He makes the game look too easy. Him and his squad are too much for my clips. Fun games to watch tho since those games get chippy. But everyone hates my clips. [emoji]128565[/emoji]
I just don't understand it. :lol:

Like, why?

I'm not saying you can't. I just don't understand the etiology of Steph hate.

Because he and his squad are in the way of yours, sure, I get that. That's frustration, though. I don't get the hate.

Hope his wife cheats on him? :lol: :wow: That's not just because he's in the way of the Thunder.

What is that? :lol:
Damn, I just realized that was a little much

It still needs to happen.
A broken hearted man Often holds his head low.
Stephs head is to high. It's too much. Like he tries to be so cool about everything and it looks stupid. Like his walk is so thought out he might as well be dancing going through that routine in his head. He's so image conscious about coming off nonchalant that his walk is a dance. Clown stuff.

He looks like he's moonwalking not walking.
He needs to be taken down a few notches.
And, being in the way would insinuate GSW> Thunder

You guys can believe that if you want, this regular season soirée they've become used to means nothing in 7

That 1st -4th round luck fest they had where they faced every unhealthy team in the Playoffs they've become used to means nothing in 2016.

I don't buy it, them being in the Thunders way.
I'm not scared, and I say that like I'm checking in at the first TV timeout
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