2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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top 5 pg pizza guy 
Has anyone on here ever been able to answer the question why NBA players usually cover their mouths when talking to each other during games?
Dog, I still can't believe how well Porzingis is playing as a rookie. I really believed they'd bring him along slowly and play like 10-15 mins a night :lol:
Has anyone on here ever been able to answer the question why NBA players usually cover their mouths when talking to each other during games?

Probably discussing plays and tactics, don't want ppl on the outside to read their lips.
Probably discussing plays and tactics, don't want ppl on the outside to read their lips.

Maybe, but I've also seen them doing it after the game when they're shaking hands/dapping the other team. Maybe they don't want people to know where they're having dinner or hitting the skrip club after the game.
Maybe, but I've also seen them doing it after the game when they're shaking hands/dapping the other team. Maybe they don't want people to know where they're having dinner or hitting the skrip club after the game.

haha, maybe that too.
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