2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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If both teams are under .500, we shouldn't review these things. Ain't nobody care about one point.
leaving Curry off

You're going to leave the greatest shooter in NBA history off the team?

lmao dude missed all 3 free throws.  you cant make this up 
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Yo! this SIXERS and KNICKS game is sooo HYPE! Ish Smith has been doing wonders for Noel on my fantasy team!!:lol:
America is gonna win anyways regardless of who goes. It matters not what X player can do in an international setting. The average margin of victory is gonna be like 22 points.

It is true. In fact, the avg margin will be bigger than 22.

However, for the purpose of choosing a roster, what player x can do in an international setting matters. 
Its probably gonna be like 30.

Idk if it really matters when they're going to run the table anyways. It makes for good conversation I guess.

Personally I love these discussions

Its probably gonna be like 30.

Idk if it really matters when they're going to run the table anyways. It makes for good conversation I guess.

The latter is all this is for.

Like I said, if Wall was on the squad instead of any other guard we would blow teams away. 
Oh I love it too but people seem like they're starting to get legit upset.
Hollis Thompson goes 0/3 from the line, then hits a 3.

You're welcome for the entertainment, NBA fans.
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