2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Not even about Wall anymore. Wall had 18 in December this year alone. Kyrie is overhyped.

Cavs looking flabby and sick right now.
Agree, I've never been a Kyrie fan. Dude is nowhere near the hype. "Oh he has handles! Oh he has a Nike shoe! He plays for the Cavs!". Not even top 5.
Those cooks in that kitchen, etc. looked more natural lip synching that PE song than Lebby did.
"Great flop there by Varejao"

Did I really just hear that? SMFH.

how about you post the full quote instead of taking things out of context. He said a guy that size shouldn't go down without a fully extended arm, and it was a good flop because he got the call. he didn't condone it.
smh i wanted to use the league pass trial... somehow this game is blacked out. even on league pass? foh im glad i didnt pay for it
smh i wanted to use the league pass trial... somehow this game is blacked out. even on league pass? foh im glad i didnt pay for it

Nationally televised games are blacked out. Always been that way. You're already paying for those games anyway with your cable subscription, so what's the difference lol.
you can stream it online on TNT website
doing that right now. their camera views SUCK. mosaic is just terrible. the player cams are trash. the action cam makes it look like im watching a replay on 2k with the camera too close to the player. backboard just trash too. *sigh*
it's nationally televised on TNT
Nationally televised games are blacked out. Always been that way. You're already paying for those games anyway with your cable subscription, so what's the difference lol.
that's not how this works
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