2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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How can such a smart organization have such a washed up roster? And the Dallas skyline on the jersey has to go

The skyline doesn't bother me as much as the writing down the size of the shorts. Just looks tacky IMO.


love my squad lolol

looks like he picked his nose and handed it to steph 
Just saw Lebby's response to the rumors that he got Blatt fired 

what a prick
He doesn't even really address them though. No "I had nothing to do with his firing, I liked him ,he was a good coach, we got to the finals and game 6 under his coaching and we have this good record with him this season and it caught me by surprise too, but it's a business first blah blah blah". Instead he just blathers on about how smart he is.

"So Lebron, who do you think will win the superbowl this year?"

"Yeah well you know I got a high basketball IQ...."
Warriors too good. Too many threats. Too unselfish. Too humble. These records will last forever. This is the perfect storm.
Warriors too good. Too many threats. Too unselfish. Too humble. These records will last forever. This is the perfect storm.
never seen a team this good man. i dont root for them, if they win or lose i dont give a damn unless they playing the cavs.

 im a lakers fan but im a basketball fan and love watching them play. 
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