2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Jeremy Lin is showing how not to be a point guard -- 7 turnovers from the late 3rd qtr and 4th qtr., but in the preseason thread the narrative was he is a NBA starter.
Plus teauge and schroder have been going at him all night,it is a wonder the game is as close as it is.
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BEALLLLLL with the trash talk to the bench
Avy check 
Jeremy Lin is showing not how to be a point guard -- 7 turnovers from the late 3rd qtr and 4th qtr., but in the preseason thread the narrative was he is a NBA starter.
Plus teauge and schroder have been going at him all night,it is a wonder the game is as close as it is.

Literally still can't go left with even token pressure on him, and still loves to get into the paint and jump to pass. His ftr is decent though, could be a backup but if he's starting on your team, you aren't good
Harden has been Trash shots just aren't going in and once DMO is back I'm so ready to trade TJones
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