2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Like I've said for awhile, Russell is still adjusting to the longer three point line. A lot of his shots are hitting the front of the rim.
Would you attribute any of this to a lack of practice? He should spend less time getting stupid haircuts and more time in the gym? Thoughts?
I told my laker pal they would get their 1st W tonight vs the Mavs.
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Would you attribute any of this to a lack of practice? He should spend less time getting stupid haircuts and more time in the gym? Thoughts?

His college 3 point shooting numbers were in part lucky, he's not a true talent 40% shooter.


I can't remember where I think on a draftexpress radio hit, one of the guys Givony or Schmitz talked about seeing russel in multiple workouts and how extremely casual Russel was in shooting drills, didn't shoot great in any of them, when they asked about it he was unfazed.

I think a humbling is in order, he's not steph curry, he thinks he's a dead eye natural shooter, he's not, he wasn't in high shcool or AAU he's going to have to work much like harden had to to be a reliable 37% shooter.

and he better becuase all of his star potential, hinges on his shooting, especially of the dribble. because if he's not a 36% high volume off the driblle shooter then laker fans are in trouble, becuase the floor is low.

Getting the train ran on them 
I like the pick for any other team than the Lakers.

I understood why lakers took him, and it could still pay off...once Kobe retires and Byron is gone.
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Chandler Parsons jumping a centimeter off the ground out there. Just sit him down
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