2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Good lord

Law enforcement says McClendon was going VERY fast in his 2013 Chevy Tahoe when he veered out of his lane and struck a bridge. The car exploded and was quickly engulfed in flames.

Not a good way to go out
Damn. That's not suicide worthy. You have lots of money. Hire good lawyers. Do a little time, and you probably still have money when you're out of jail.

Maybe Dolan can point to the NBAPA and see if he can get his money back from Melo.
Damn. That's not suicide worthy. You have lots of money. Hire good lawyers. Do a little time, and you probably still have money when you're out of jail.

pretty sure he was gonna spend the remainder of his life in prison
he was already having financial problems. pretty sure his buddy clay bennett and his wife would've hooked him up, but still
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Damn. That's not suicide worthy. You have lots of money. Hire good lawyers. Do a little time, and you probably still have money when you're out of jail.

pretty sure he was gonna spend the remainder of his life in prison
he was already having financial problems. pretty sure his buddy clay bennett and his wife would've hooked him up, but still
Nah he was facing a max of ten years....for a rich white guy, probably was only going to get 3 years and probation
Damn. That's not suicide worthy. You have lots of money. Hire good lawyers. Do a little time, and you probably still have money when you're out of jail.

pretty sure he was gonna spend the remainder of his life in prison

For some white collar crime? I find that hard to believe. Rich people don't spend life in jail like that.

your're right.
i didnt know he was 57 at the time. thought he was way much older than that. even if he did get that 10, he'd still wouldve been out in his 60s
Nobody ever said LeBron was a better shooter than Curry. You're blatantly making things up.
Misremembering? Yes. Blatantly making things up? Not quite. 

If stat nerds didn't say he was better, then they definitely said he was just as good a shooter as Curry. Which is just as insulting. 
Nobody ever said LeBron was a better shooter than Curry. You're blatantly making things up.

Misremembering? Yes. Blatantly making things up? Not quite. 

If stat nerds didn't say he was better, then they definitely said he was just as good a shooter as Curry. Which is just as insulting. 

no doubt, my boy absolutely told me, last year, that bron could do what curry was do if he wanted to, then he pointed to the finals as evidence...0_o lol wut? there are still some true stans that believe, or want to believe that curry aint ****
if bron shot as many times as kobe and kd he'd get 70. but he cares too much about efficiency.
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