2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Didn't I tried to tell yall how average Randle was:nerd: (kidding man, I don't want to do this)

......but on a more serious note, OJ MAYO is soooooooo booty. (I don't want to do this either @shoeking2102
 ) Let me scratch this from the record

Have some respect. He's a legend and should be regarded as such.
warriors gonna turn it up the first 5 minutes and take a double digit lead going to the 4th
WE know our teams.

Thunder is going to increase this dd lead but begin to lose it around the 7:59 mark of the 4th before either totally losing the lead with seconds left or a threat for OT by a missed/or made Bucks bucket
After Green belly to back slams Kerr in the locker room GSW will come out with energy in the second half
Lebron becomes the 3rd player to score 10pts or more in 700 straight games.

  -Fox Sports News

They totally stole that stat from ESPN

Lebron did pass Duncan on the AT scoring list though. Cuz is legit dawg
That Curry on Kobe iso did not deliver. 
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