2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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They there for the Cavs...
How did I not think of that 
Maybe they are but tonight they have been outright complimentary of OKC, called out missed calls which benefited Houston and flat out said Houston won't make the playoffs if they don't pick up their play
Kristaps gt that Ralph Sampson athleticism. :wow:

I've said this before, but regardless of what you may think of Justise Winslow I think everyone now understand why it was completely reasonable choice in taking Prorzigis.
Witnessing KD and Russy on the same team during their primes is special. I will make sure to appreciate it

They still don't have great chemistry with one another but what they can do individually is something to behold. Remind me a bit of Kobe and Shaq how they would take turns in their primes

It really seems like both of them have rounded out their skill sets
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