2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Drummond has how many rebounds?
6 more than roy hibbert has total this season 
It's just the frustration that you have to sift through constant "Lebron needs more help"... "CP3 sucks"... "XYZ is washed"

You can't really say "I'm here to talk basketball" when you troll and joke as much as you do. Yes, the thread isn't that serious and joking is allowed, but it just gets so repetitive when so many people do it.

There's a reason a lot of former regular posters don't contribute as much.. and it's not because Grantland shut down. It's because of things like Ska mentioned at the start of the thread. The jokes get old, sometimes it's okay to let those "jokes" pass and not comment on it. And the response of "Well just ignore it and contribute your own posts" isn't really the point. Trying to make a normal comment in a sea of "BETA KD IS WASHED" posts is a wasted effort :lol:  

And it's not a criticize of anyone in particular, but it's been the current state of the NBA threads. Just like ska mentioned at the start.

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my dude shoeking starts stuff like this and acts confused when chris paul is slandered on here 
Nah Nah nah hell nah lol Pull up the tape. Run it. And make sure you provide the context with it if you do.

Show me where I "start stuff" like this. I hardly ever talk about Chris Paul in here man. I may mention the clippers here and there here, but I hardly ever speak on CP in here because y'all be foolish and don't be making sense when it comes to bron and CP 

YALL be starting the CP slander stuff. The Lebron circle jerk. That's yall.
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same here

Elf, Dipo, Tobias, & Vuc is a great young core to build around
You best edit this post and add Fournier now. He's tearing it up to start this year.. although he could shoot a better %

Osh also gonna want you to add Super Mario
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AD will get it going eventually.

He's a guy that needs to be HEAVILLY assisted though. Not saying he can't get his on his own, but he's at his best when he's diving, popping and rolling to the rim.

Giving him the ball 18 feet from the basket, or having him shoot 3's to show everybody that he has a "3-Ball" isn't they way to improve his game.

People love to see big splashes in improvements from season to season. but the best players take what they have, and retool and improve on it every season. I always say Blake been slept on since the NBA media turned on him. But look at how quietly he was improving his offensive game. No big splashes. Just increasing his range, handle, iq and defense. He still has some way to go on the defensive end...but he's made big strides there.

AD will continue to improve as long as the emphasis is improving on his skillsett he already has. He also needs to become a better defender than his reputation says. He's been crowned a little too early as I've said before. But the boy has ALL the tools.
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MIA is old and slow. They look gassed now. I don't see them making a run to the ECF.
Hopefully Dragic plays his way into shape. That could be the difference between looking too old and slow
lowry 2nd best pg in the east? 
I mean, you have Wall, Kyrie, Lowry, Rose and Dragic/Teague/Jackson

Doesn't seem like a huge accomplishment but sure, he can be #2 while Hot Sauce Irving is out
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