2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Just watched Cleveland VS Milwaukee game and Jabari is nice. I can see him being more well rounded than Melo. Even though it doesn't show on the scoreboard or highlight reel, he makes the winning plays. The extra pass, plays within the system etc.

I'm pleasantly surprised.

Jabari next up. He looks real quick, strong and explosive even after coming off an injury.

The boy got it

He has definitely been training when he was out. Can't wait to see him getting full burn.
Whistles on Whistles in OKC

Looks like a bunch of Crash Dummies out there.

Somebody might leave this game hurt.
Crowder getting $7M is next to nothing with the rising cap
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Its actually much better seeing Chalmers out there instead of Beno blowing defensive assignments and taking a million mid range jumpers that could be 3's.
16 pts, 18 mins
Smart defending is very good. He's special. Always was high on him since OK State.

Btw, OKC giving Kanter that max deal looks terribleZ he barely plays and when he does he gets shredded. His +/- is terrible
I wish Smart vs Westbrook happened more than twice a year. Highly entertaining.

Smart ballin. I don't think I've ever seen this Marcus Smart consistently. What's his issue? Or am I wrong? He has very high highs and very low lows if that makes sense...

speaking of lamb, didnt know his boy perry jones was waived and in the dleague :x
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Lamb's production off the bench is really 

don't think kd/russ ****** w/ dude like that because he always looked rattled in OKC....Charlotte embracing the hell outta him 
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