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Who do you take, prime lebron or prime steph?

Lebron always had some deficiency in his game, FT, jump shooting, 3pt shot, lack of a post game, ghost in crunch time

Right now steph has no holes in his game. his defense has never been on par with lebron (when he tries), but he plays solid d. Top 5 pg defender?
That's really enough for folks to do this huh?

What he is right now.....has people wanting to say Curry> MJ, but they are scared of the backlash.

Some right now *** dudes man.
Steph has an amazing 1.1 year run, and now he's being compared/elevated to prime LeBron.  
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Who do you take, prime lebron or prime steph?

Lebron always had some deficiency in his game, FT, jump shooting, 3pt shot, lack of a post game, ghost in crunch time

Right now steph has no holes in his game. his defense has never been on par with lebron (when he tries), but he plays solid d. Top 5 pg defender?
That's really enough for folks to do this huh?

What he is right now.....has people wanting to say Curry> MJ, but they are scared of the backlash.

Some right now *** dudes man.


You act like he didn't just win MVP. He should have won finals MVP

I wish OKC was a legit contender and they aren't gonna lose Durant. I wanna see them in the finals. I can understand the hate on curry cuz he might break up your squad.
You guys think Harrison Barnes can be a star on a different team where his usage rate was higher or nah
the only reason people still believe in dlo is that lakers jersey

if he was drafted by the 6ers he would be anthony bennett status already 

Disagree. We had Evan Turner for three or four years and everyone was hoping he would make that leap.Dlo is on the same category where there is still hope.Bennette has always been a lost cause
If he keeps this up for the entire year maybe it'll be a discussion. But I'm not going to sit here and act like Terminator Bron didn't happen not even 2 seasons ago and KD the year after
Steph has an amazing 1.1 year run, and now he's being compared/elevated to prime LeBron.  :smh:  

It's annoying and I love Steph, man. I get he's playing unreal but damn, people forget quickly how dominate Lebron was and STILL is.

Even KD MVP season is imo one of the greatest ever. 32, 7 and 5 while shooting 50% is just crazy.
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You guys think Harrison Barnes can be a star on a different team where his usage rate was higher or nah
Warrior fan here - I just don't see the killer instinct in him to be a #1 guy. In my opinion his ceiling will always be a very solid 3rd option, borderline 2nd option. I'm trying to think of a situation/team where he could be more than what he is for the Warriors but that's hard to do. If you traded him to Charlotte for Nic Batum, does Barnes become the man on that team? I don't think so. If you put him on the Blazers with Dame, is that a duo that you would fear? Probably not. He's a glue/system guy (whatever you want to call it) and I don't think he'll ever be more than that. 
Steph has an amazing 1.1 year run, and now he's being compared/elevated to prime LeBron.  
It's annoying and I love Steph, man. I get he's playing unreal but damn, people forget quickly how dominate Lebron was and STILL is.
People are just ready for LeBron not to be the consensus best player anymore.  His time is almost up, but chill, damn.  If Curry can keep this up for a full 3 or 4 season stretch, then it should be a conversation.
 You act like he didn't just win MVP. He should have won finals MVP

I wish OKC was a legit contender and they aren't gonna lose Durant. I wanna see them in the finals. I can understand the hate on curry cuz he might break up your squad.
Oh snap, my bad, I forgot about the MVP and Finals shoulda been MVP.

Yea, you are right. Steph da best. I'm tripping.

I hope he lets us keep KD, too. That would destroy my life, if he took Kevin. Shaking now just thinking about it. Let's change the subject
Steph has an amazing 1.1 year run, and now he's being compared/elevated to prime LeBron.  :smh:  

It's annoying and I love Steph, man. I get he's playing unreal but damn, people forget quickly how dominate Lebron was and STILL is.

People are just ready for LeBron not to be the consensus best player anymore.  His time is almost up, but chill, damn.  If Curry can keep this up for a full 3 or 4 season stretch, then it should be a conversation.

I'm not talking 3-4 year stretch or legacy. What is lebrons best season? Tell me the season and we can point out weakness he had in his game.
Steph has an amazing 1.1 year run, and now he's being compared/elevated to prime LeBron.  

It's annoying and I love Steph, man. I get he's playing unreal but damn, people forget quickly how dominate Lebron was and STILL is.
People are just ready for LeBron not to be the consensus best player anymore.  His time is almost up, but chill, damn.  If Curry can keep this up for a full 3 or 4 season stretch, then it should be a conversation.
I'm not talking 3-4 year stretch or legacy. What is lebrons best season? Tell me the season and we can point out weakness he had in his game.
His last year in CLE 30/9/7/2/1 shooting 51%

His 3rd year in Miami 27/7/8/2/1 shooting 57%
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