2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Klay gotta be really dumb standing there really thinking that wasn't a foul.  Bu bu but I had my hands straight up!
Gallo is such a black hole, momentum killing basketball player. Hate that dude.

Glad Hubie called his goofy *** out.
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Mudiay crossing Curry?! 
Mind blown - I think Deron Williams might be back to being better than CP3. Rick Carlisle is the unwasher.
This dude Mudiay is mad wreckless
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[thread="638376"]Mitch McGary must've crapped in the face of Florida/Donovan while at Michigan.[/thread]
[thread="638376"]Dude can't get burn in blowouts( not that we've had more than 1 of those)[/thread]

I really want to know what's up with Donovan and Mitch
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