2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

**** that ol lame Cuba Gooding Jr looking bum Jarret Jack.

#Tank though :smokin
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Was at the game and left after the third quarter. The highlight of my night was telling some Warriors fans to suck my **** when they chanted MVP for Curry.
This reply in the comments section :rofl:

Dear Electron,

ill bet you are negative force in everyone who comes in contact with you.


now that the clippers got a new owner dolan gotta take that top spot, right? isn't there any way for dude to get reprimanded at least by the league? son is cancer in a beard & electric guitar
Do you guys know if Melo gets shut down after all star break or was that all just assumptions?
Do you guys know if Melo gets shut down after all star break or was that all just assumptions?
It's an assumption but it's also pretty likely. He keeps going on about knee surgery and Fish says he'll sit Melo when he's ready to sit. So most figure that means he's done after all-star weekend.

I'm caught up on whether I want Phil to take Okafor or Russell with our pick should we have the luxury of being #1. I mean the old saying is always go with the big man but Russell has been amazing. I doubt we get any of the worthwhile big men in free agency though and I don't wanna overpay for a Greg Monroe.
If both are available I'm taking Okafor. It's harder to find a big man than a PG.

I'm kinda hoping we get #2 so the decesion is easier :lol:
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