2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

i'm not against signing tragic since we have a 5 year window, my only issue is, if we sign dragic to a big contract, how much does that affect us bringing in other assets?

Congratulations, your autocorrect just gave the Post its back page headline name when he's having a typical underachieving knick season on a max
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one benefit of trading for Dragic is that free agents see there's another piece in place & it's not just Melo.

really don't wanna give up more draft picks tho..
Knicks believe they have an outside shot at getting Goran Dragic for Hardaway/Calderon package, per source.
— David Aldridge (@daldridgetnt) February 19, 2015

say we pull the trade off you cant overpay him because you need to build the rest of the roster... you only overpay if hes really worth it... but at his age and hes not even top 5 in his position i dont see why you would overpay him...still think we should trade for reggie or try to sign him instead...
Although I wouldnt mind the Knicks giving up Tim + Calderon for Dragic under different circumstances, I am maintaining my stance that the Knicks CAN NOT trade for Dragic at the deadline right now under any situation for a couple of reasons...

First and most importantly is that getting him right now in February will **** up our draft position. Trading for Dragic right now is essentially adding a "swap top 3 draft pick for a 5-7 draft pick" to any package we offer. Not worth it for a player who is going to be a free agent in July. Lets go after Dragic when it wont cost us valuable losses this season.

While on the subject another reason not to trade for Dragic is that he will be a free agent in July. If we feel like we need him in July, lets go after him when we only have to give up cap space, not assets like Hardaway Jr. The Knicks have VERY little assets as it is and it isnt wise to give up on a player like Hardaway Jr. right now, We dont know how the Knicks free agency will play out and for all we know we may need Hardaway to step up and be our starting 2 guard next season, or at the worst case scenario still a very valuable "JR in his prime" 6th man type role, and as a homegrown talent he would be able to provide those services for very cheap. 

Goran Dragic isnt Melo, and everyone now ***** on Melo because we had to trade assets for him when we could have signed him outright as a free agent, now we want to do the same exact thing for Dragic? And I definitely like Hardaway as a prospect more than Mozgov. U guys crack me up with all of the "I want Hardaway gone" and "I dont think Hardaway will ever be good talk." Based on what exactly? Dude is in his second year and has shown alot of great signs early in his career, show some patience. I mean Hardaway has definitely shown more in his time as a Knick than players like Jordan Hill and Timofey Mozgov did and both of those guys would be nice contributors on the Knicks right now. **** this **** goes all the way back to when we traded Ariza for Steve ******* Francis. Patience, Knicks fans. Some of you I just dont understand. **** on the Melo for giving up assets to get him and **** on the Knicks for giving up our own prospects early while teams like the Spurs and the Thunder develop theres, yet a lot of you are advocating repeating those same 2 mistakes in the same damn trade. 

I definitely say no go to trading for Dragic, even though the trade would be fair if Goran wasnt a free agent in July. If Dragic "only wants to play where he will be traded," then thats his dumb *** mistake. It is important for the Knicks to play out this thing properly and not divert from the plan just to make a run at a player. If Phil and the Knicks build this team the right way, then Dragic and other players will come. NY speaks for itself but all players want to be the star for a well ran organization, if Phil can show he is capable of making the Knicks that then the stars will align somehow. If Dragic doesnt want to play for the Knicks just because we wont foolishly trade for him in February, then that is his call. There will be other point guards available in free agency and in the draft, no need to pull the quick trigger on the first one to make his self available.

And I love Goran Dragic. You could ask any of my boys how for the last 2-3 years I have constantly been ranting about how underrated Dragic is and how much I wanted the Knicks to work out some sort of sign and trade for him in 2012 when he was leaving Houston and Houston wanted to sign Jeremy Lin.

My last reason for absolutely positively not wanting to trade for Dragic right now, is that the draft is our #1 priority and nobody knows how the draft is going to play out. If the draft comes along and we dont end up with Okafor and we end up wanting to take a PG like D'Angelo Russell or even Mudiay with our pick, then we should be able to do so without worrying that we traded away valuable assets for a PG already. If we wait until July to make a potential run after Dragic, we let the draft happen beforehand and we see who we are taking with our pick and handing the keys of the franchise to. If we end up with a PG like Russell then we save ourselves assets like Tim and we can spend our cap space going after players at other positions. If we end up drafting a player like Okafor than we can still make a run after Dragic in free agency without giving away Hardaway. Win win.
Phil out there meditating. Phone on silent 
Like a boss. Patience my friends 
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It's Broussard, but he said Knicks are offering a future 1st in addition to THJ and Calderon.

@ramonashelburne: Word from Phx is that owner has dug in & told folks he won't trade Dragic. That, of course, wouldn't be the 1st time an owner dug in.

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