2016 Academy Awards/Oscars - Nominees Announced Today - February 28th

Can sense some tension there between Gosling and Strahan. Gosling seems like a d-bag.
Can sense some tension there between Gosling and Strahan. Gosling seems like a d-bag.
"Do you have somewhere to be?"

That segment carried on way too long. Hollywood just seems so fake.
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Ruffalo is a real one.

If you follow him on social media you'll see he actually has a huge voice on all these social issues and injustices not just in our country but in the world.

Dude is a real life G, he ain't afraid of the cameras. He tells it like it is, cares about humanity more than his PR.
She blind-sided a bunch of people with that question.

Ruffalo's PR team didn't prep him well. :lol:

I was cracking up at the end. Mark Ruffalo just stared into the camera holding his hands looking like a little kid that just got caught doing something bad :lol:
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