2016 Academy Awards/Oscars - Nominees Announced Today - February 28th

You knew Mad Max was gonna win all these awards. I thought The Revenant would have a shot at some though. Not mad, Mad Max was entertaining as hell. Don't think it deserves to be best film or best actor category
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Wait a minute, Del Toro isn't nominated for Sicario?
Sicario didn't really get that kind of love from the Academy. Deakins got a nom, along with Best Sound Editing and Original Score.

I was surprised too, but the rest of the field got a little more support for their movies (other than Stallone but he's the favorite)
The revenant was very basic, but it will win. My favorites in order this year: Ex-Machina, Sicario, Mad Max then the revenant. Didn't get to see spotlight, bridge of spies or any others. Had zero interest in the Martian.
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