2016 Space Jams

These are either legit or really good fakes. I have checked with people I know who have pairs early. These seem legit, nothing is wrong. The Nike Air on the insole is good, the 45 is good, the soles are good, and the shape is good. Don't see any problems. I don't know about the carbon fiber though. I haven't seen the carbon fiber on a legit pair.
Not to bust a bubble but pre release pairs unless your high status pro or celeb is most likely fake. There are some pretty good fakes no a days and everyone claims authentic regardless. On the flip note I've gotten some blue suade 12s straight from like that were so bad I sent them back. People are scandalous as f*. If they sell to a ton of people and only 1/3 came back they made money
Not to bust a bubble but pre release pairs unless your high status pro or celeb is most likely fake. There are some pretty good fakes no a days and everyone claims authentic regardless. On the flip note I've gotten some blue suade 12s straight from like that were so bad I sent them back. People are scandalous as f*. If they sell to a ton of people and only 1/3 came back they made money
Stop spitting *******t. There are people who have gotten legit pairs early. So you can stop "bursting peoples bubbles"
Wow! Please explain how people get early "legit" pairs? Why so angry?

People have connections to people at Nike? Like footlocker or any other retailer, they get shoes well ahead of the release date. (Maybe 2-3 weeks before). Also, you should know the sneaker game isn't what it is now without early releases and back dooring shoes. Take Blake Linder, SC00P208, and other youtubers with tons of connections to have them selves early release shoes. Thank You, make sure to research before you go balls deep into something you don't know.
Wow! Please explain how people get early "legit" pairs? Why so angry?
Most of Nike's business is through wholesellers who in turn deal with retailers including those on eBay. Over time relationships establish between the two. A lot of people think Shoe chains are the only ones who receive stock, and it's the only place to get a "legit pair". That couldn't be future from the truth. Check out how Nike distributes. Most retailers receive shoes weeks before release date, and since they have no business ties directly with Nike can sell them as soon as they receive their stock. Obviously those who get releases months out have a far greater chance of getting fakes. Getting a shoe a week or two early is more common than you think.
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