Who Will Win the 2017 NBA Finals?

  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Golden State Warriors

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Good first half. Cavs made adjustments. Seemed a little slower pace wise. Alot more galf court offense on both sides.
LeBron goin off

Da fuq you talking about. This has been the most helter skelter pace in a finals ever. Combined for damn near 140 combined for both teams
Good first half. Cavs made adjustments. Seemed a little slower pace wise. Alot more half court offense on both sides.
LeBron goin off
Dawg Dubs had so many wide open shots they could have made
I honestly did not see much adjustments other than feeding K Love a little more
Been mainly just ISO Lebby and Myrie
The second quarter was a slower pace but this game has been super fast. Way too fast for Cleveland.
Cavs made adjustments on transition defense, feeding K love more, LeBron more agressive, Shump in for TT.
No adjustments?
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Thank you Lue for not playing Love and TT at the same time for most of the half.... please don't start it in the second half
This helter skelter pace you kids are witnessing reminds people of the Lakers-Celtics battles in the 80s Finals except today's game has a ton more three point shots being chucked, there were more post up plays in the 80s, and the game was more physical in the Lakers-Celtics wars.
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They REALLY need to do away with the short sleeved jersey after this year
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