2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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Sam Presti did a great job loading that team with talent. KD didn't need to leave OKC to win as the 3-1 series lead shows evidence of that. LeBron on the other hand, year after year, carried that team on his back and every year another team would up end him. Mike Brown couldn't (and still can't) coach and Danny Ferry did not do a good job at bringing in another legitimate all-star to compliment LeBron whether that was via draft, free agency, or trade. Very different departing circumstances. KD had everything he needed, LeBron didn't.
Sam Presti choked too we ain't letting him off the hook
Yup he dun goofed. Also very untimely injuries killed OKC
What do you call a team with the Greatest regular season in the history of the entire league? I'm gonna let y'all keep acting like it was the same thing tho. Running out of time today.
you are overlooking the fact that bron and KD's moves had the same impact: creating another "super team" (whatever the **** that means). who they lost to in the year prior to leaving bears little weight in trying to find the difference in who left with more or less dignity. both those dudes wanted to win so they linked up with all stars. **** is as simple as elementary school pick up basketball, get with the best players on the playground and win.
There's a difference between a team with all-stars who had to outperform their expectations to become all-stars vs going to a team with a sure-fire HOFer and recruiting another perennial all-star to come play together in a conference that was already weak to begin with. Wade and Bosh were all highly-touted before. No one was expecting Steph, Klay and Dray to be the monsters they are now.

When LBJ and Bosh bounced that effectively crippled Cleveland and Toronto. When KD left, the West was still the West and OKC still remained competitive.
you are overlooking the fact that bron and KD's moves had the same impact: creating another "super team" (whatever the **** that means).
before KD got there: the warriors were 73-9, got to the finals (for the 2nd consecutive year after winning the title the year before).. had 3 'all nba' players in place

the warriors weren't a "super team" before KD got there?
I don't have a problem with dudes leaving teams to better their careers, especially after giving so much of themselves in a business that can discard you like trash, but you real goofy if after all this time you still can't differentiate between Lebron leaving and KD leaving. Not sure why it has to be spelled out so much.
Why?  I honestly don't see the difference in the way you're implying.

It's been explained several times since KD left, and there's no convincing people otherwise, but

Sam Presti did a great job loading that team with talent. KD didn't need to leave OKC to win as the 3-1 series lead shows evidence of that. LeBron on the other hand, year after year, carried that team on his back and every year another team would up end him. Mike Brown couldn't (and still can't) coach and Danny Ferry did not do a good job at bringing in another legitimate all-star to compliment LeBron whether that was via draft, free agency, or trade. Very different departing circumstances. KD had everything he needed, LeBron didn't.

There. Now, I wouldn't necessarily say KD "had everything he needed", but they were up 3-1, and lost 3 straight, and played a part in them losing 3 straight. I'm just not understanding how people don't see a difference.
cuz you are a sucka if you dip to the squad that you lost to.

you are overlooking the fact that bron and KD's moves had the same impact: creating another "super team" (whatever the **** that means). who they lost to in the year prior to leaving bears little weight in trying to find the difference in who left with more or less dignity. both those dudes wanted to win so they linked up with all stars. **** is as simple as elementary school pick up basketball, get with the best players on the playground and win.
GS was already a superteam when KD lost to them. MIA became a superteam during the off season.
In regards to acquiring talent or keeping KD?

Keeping talent to keep KD :lol: like atransta atransta said there was bad timing with injuries, but I always believe KD's first foot out the door was trading Harden. I don't blame KD for leaving. Never did never will. Even though he had a good situation, the FO took the situation for granted, and tried to cry small market with some of the highest profit in the league :smh: y'all ****** aren't slick
There's a difference between a team with all-stars who had to outperform their expectations to become all-stars vs going to a team with a sure-fire HOFer and recruiting another perennial all-star to come play together in a conference that was already weak to begin with. Wade and Bosh were all highly-touted before. No one was expecting Steph, Klay and Dray to be the monsters they are now.

When LBJ and Bosh bounced that effectively crippled Cleveland and Toronto. When KD left, the West was still the West and OKC still remained competitive.

Ding ding ding

At that point in 2010.....D.Wade was the 3rd best player in the league. Bron the best player in the league. Bosh like the 10-15th best player in the league.

Team building was diffeeent at that point. No other team was able to get 3 HOF in their prime at the same time.

To me, it's all semantics. It's the same damn thing at the end of the day. Dudes can argue which was more "bish made" idc. Bron and KD are two of the best players ever. They saw an opportunity to win a ring a hell of a lot easier...and took it.

At the end of the day...You need talent to win in this league. All of the greats played with other all time greats. Bron and KD just went about theirs a different way. Same results at the end.

And winning multiple championships cures all.
It's been explained several times since KD left, and there's no convincing people otherwise, but
There. Now, I wouldn't necessarily say KD "had everything he needed", but they were up 3-1, and lost 3 straight, and played a part in them losing 3 straight. I'm just not understanding how people don't see a difference.
Ah so KD should have wanted to stay:

1.  In a system with no offense except alternating isos because of his co-star's style of play.

2.  On a franchise so cheap they traded James Harden for nothing to save on luxury tax.

3.  In freaking Oklahoma

Yeah, can't see why he left.  Give me a break.

Also the implication that LeBron doesn't deserve any blame for all of his Cleveland playoff losses is equally ridiculous.
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Lebron and KD both had good reasons to live when they did. I don't fault them or think any less of them for it they did what they had to do. Its whatever
What do you call a team with the Greatest regular season in the history of the entire league? I'm gonna let y'all keep acting like it was the same thing tho. Running out of time today.

Didn't the Cavs have the best record in the entire league both years before Bron left?
What do you call a team with the Greatest regular season in the history of the entire league? I'm gonna let y'all keep acting like it was the same thing tho. Running out of time today.

Didn't the Cavs have the best record in the entire league both years before Bron left?

I said best record in the history of the entire league. Like, the ebst ever. And kD went to that team. Bron left the best record...i see a little difference.
I said best record in the history of the entire league. Like, the ebst ever. And kD went to that team. Bron left the best record...i see a little difference.
True and also the Miami heat weren't even that good in 2010!  Great point made by you.  Checkmate.  I can't believe I never thought of it that way.
I said best record in the history of the entire league. Like, the ebst ever. And kD went to that team. Bron left the best record...i see a little difference.

There's obviously a difference but people want to act naive to it.
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didn't the heat essentially have to gut the whole roster.. trade away their first to offload a contract

then they signed the big 3, resigned haslem and then just added cheap deals.. obviously someone can correct me if I'm wrong

but things aren't exactly the same

even if it's as simple as comparing 3 'all nba' players to the 4 the warriors came into the season with
those people are absolutely trippin and living far beyond their means. i know that $500k figure is hyperbole but it doesn't take away from the absurdity of these 6-figure tech nerds in SF complaining about not being able to afford rent. unless youre trynna live in the penthouse of some dubai skyscraper, there is absolutely no reason why $125k for a single person won't allow you to live comfortably in any part of the globe, including the most expensive parts of the bay area.

but then again, there are antoine walkers in every sector.

"Scraping by on six figures? Tech workers feel poor in Silicon Valley's wealth bubble

“I didn’t become a software engineer to be trying to make ends meet,” said a Twitter employee in his early 40s who earns a base salary of $160,000. It is, he added, a “pretty bad” income for raising a family in the Bay Area."

I gues the family part makes the difference?
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