2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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Who was Aaron Hernandez barber in prison?
lebron wearing metal armor plates under those knee pads?

Paul George getting treated like a lightweight :lol:
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Even the techs are soft :smh: refs looking real suspect.

Kevin love is unbelievably solid. Dude is the x factor.

Oan, can't wait to see wall vs Kyrie
I can't stand the Cavs but Kyrie is unreal, and Wall legit thinks he's the goat
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is that reggie jackson in the front row?
kinda strange to see guys watch gms of other teams
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Dawg Bron just straight dominated PG today. I still got respect for him though on how he came back from that injury. Ish reminds me when Bron just straight dominated Drose (MVP season) in the play offs.
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