2017 NFL off-season thread / We have moved threads, mod please lock!

Does NickFolarin want to be a Lion fan again?

  • Yes, too bad he can't go back

  • No, he will wear his Bortles jersey with pride (but really shame)

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The Packers received $244 million as their equal share of the NFL’s national revenue, most of which comes from TV contracts but which also includes road-game revenue sharing. Multiply that by the 32 teams, and that means NFL disbursed $7.8 billion in national revenue—a 9.6 percent increase from the previous year.

The Packers also disclosed an additional $197.4 million in local revenue—that’s what they pulled in on their own last year, between ticket sales, merchandising, and sponsorships—for a grand total of $441.4 million. The exact numbers for other teams’ local revenue isn’t available, but Paul Baniel, vice president of finance and administration, said the Packers are ninth in the league.

NFL 2016 salary cap was 155 mil
the cavs/warriors/blazers will be at that level on payroll with salaries/tax in 2017.
clearly to me the NBA players get a bigger cut of the pie.

packers made 441 mil? how much did the browns/jags make? at least 300 mil i would guess. are they spending their money? seems like each season they go into the season with tons of cap room.

I like the way NFL has it where owners are protected for bad performance or injured players but i think there should be salary cap floor so a team like the jets can't decide they wont sign any players and cut everyone take a year off tank and still sell out and make money. and they should add a rule that each offseason a team can cut a player and it not effect their cap.

NBA has a max number and min

and yes i know NBA teams also tank but they still have to spend money they can't put it in their pocket and make money.
if i was a jets fan i would say sure jets ownership i understand rebuilding but YOU are saving money therefore i should save money. YOUR payroll is __% less this season than avg of past 5 seasons, guess what? MY ticket/parking/food/drinks price is now ___% less than last season.

thats what the players should push for min cap $ that would raise money spent on players and protect players from getting cut when they are still productive.
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Ummmmm no more animated avys?

and where y'all even seeing this options to change SNs?
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