2021-22 NFL Off-Season Thread | Training Camp

Will any teams be forced to forfeit games due to COVID-19?

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Rodgers and Brady talk.
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Combine needs to get here ******* asap
IF the team wins

But lawd if they don’t.. especially depending on what we give up AND what then would happen with hurts or even minshew
Hurts would have to be part of it

Only time a complete rebuild happens when Pete retires.
Hurts would have to be part of it

Only time a complete rebuild happens when Pete retires.

yea I assume he would be in any trade.. also assume minshew is traded no matter if hurts is dealt or not

but let the team lose and either of them do well.. or whatever happens with the pick(s)

russ I think could deal with it.. Ciara, I don’t know
QB Kyle Shurmur, Son of a former NFL coach(now OC) was hired by the bills today to be their defensive quality control coach…..why is this not a story here or talk shows? rooney rule? Guess it doesn’t apply to entry level coaching jobs….thats my guess for while now….I could be wrong. But I ‘m certain that I ‘m not….why you ask?
Well how on earth is a former QB getting a entry level DEFENSIVE quality control job OVER someone that HAS played for the bills??

Now granted a 8 year vet in the NFL worth 10M cash might not want a 50k a year job entry level in buffalo but certainly a DB that has been on the roster bubble FOR THE BILLS, in and out of practice squad who is Out the league after a year or 2 of never really making it would love that opportunity.

Instead hire of a coaches son gets the job and now when he becomes a head coach in 10 years oh well he made it on is own to this point…..nope, no he didnt…..hes going to do this job for a year learn from the QB quality control QB or whatever entry level job there and he slides in there in a year or 2.

This is the problem the NFL needs to fix

I ‘m not saying a coach shouldn’t hire his son, especially if he has some NFL experience to a entry level job….but when I see it happening to another team for someone 100% not qualified and it goes under the radar thats when I and Others should call attention….

This Is one of reasons why there are less than 5 NFL coaches of color in the NFL….all these lower coaching jobs make up WAY more head coaching jobs…simple math…..if most of the coaches are white and they hire 85% white entry level men and now woman guess what? Lot harder to to get coaches of color to the top job.

Is Kyle Shurmur MORE qualified than Y O U for the job he was just hired for? MAYBE, but he is def not more qualified than someone anyone that has played DB in NFL or college, in my strong opinion

Back to is shurmur more qualified than Y O U, maybe slightly but does that mean you can’t do as good as a job as him….hes going to be learning, guided, make mistakes and then see where he lines up…..its not like they are giving him the codes to the nukes….

I ‘ll see how this post ages when in 10 years we are talking about him being hired as NFL coach……and when he does bet your bottom dollar he will be doing favors for all the guys that helped him get to NFL coach…..

Rant over

Air273 rule
If men of color make up 85% of the NFL, then all new hires in low ranking positions must be 85% of men of color

Feel the same way 100%

I watched Sean McVay flat out admit the only reason he got his 1st job was as a favor to his grandfather a few weeks ago.

Feel like he'd rather come back for another season than get in the booth fresh of retirement rn.

Maybe in the future but can't see it so soon
Even if we’re not sure how he’d do, you know these networks and Amazon will throw the BAG at Tom Brady to find out themselves.
Romo never came off as a booth guy until he started and knocked it out of the park, can't imagine someone with the amount football knowledge TB has would do a bad job :lol:

Just doubt he'd be interested in pulling up to stadiums all season long not to play.

No surprise networks are interested though, they love bringing in QB's for it.

Already got Aikman, Romo, Fouts and Peyton and Brees becoming staples in recent years so of course that would be offered to him if he wanted to
nah, you coild see it with romo with how relaxed he seemed in interviews and just shooting the shh in a public forum

I think Brady is a little too controlling for that situation.. brady is going do stuff, I just don’t think it will be that.. his long forum stuff is going have the ability for him to edit and have his people review everything before it’s out there

but I have zero clue why anyone thought witten or drew Brees would be a good idea

it‘s cheating to say g regg was going be good, since he actually went and did it

but you gotta look at the guys like philip rivers who you can clearly see are good at talking about the game while also showing personality
Rivers is the guy I’d throw the bag at

and then if mike McDanial wants out in Miami, I’d see if he’d be interested since he’s good at talking about smart stuff in a somewhat understandable manner

mcvay would be good once he turned down the energy a bit, might be a little gruden in him
i love Tom but i aint trying to listen to him call games :lol:

at best, he could be on Manning cast and talk **** with them. but he would be terrible in the booth alongside a Joe Buck or whoever.
Rivers is the guy I’d throw the bag at

and then if mike McDanial wants out in Miami, I’d see if he’d be interested since he’s good at talking about smart stuff in a somewhat understandable manner

mcvay would be good once he turned down the energy a bit, might be a little gruden in him
Rivers would definitely be cursing on-air lmao.
I don’t even think Sean Payton is going be that great at the whole tv thing…

I’ve obviously heard dude talk but can’t remember any interview or anything he has said.. or any legit funny talking moment

He’s obviously a great HC.. but I don’t think hoodie or Andy Reid would be good at it either
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