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Sucks that Mike Breen kinda killed the call with him saying they waved it off when the refs clearly didn’t do that
Nothing wrong with the Celtics fans going at Myrie, especially after all the shenanigans he pulled in his short tenure there.

At the same time though, it is a bit off putting seeing a majority white crowd display that much vitriol towards a black man.

Seems likes more than just a case of "star player spurns team and leaves" at times imo.
But it’s fans versus a player not a group of white people versus one black guy
Watching the Suns smoke the Pels by 30 and followed up by an episode of Arthur
banderas (2).png
Pels fans be like

Him leaving allowed the Jays to be great doe

That's what I'm saying. As a Celtics fan I'm happy he left. He quit in that playoff series against the Bucks and couldn't handle being the #1. If he stayed Jaylen probably doesn't sign and Tatum wouldn't be who he is.

Should be chanting "thank-you Ky-rie!" and shaking his hand.
But it’s fans versus a player not a group of white people versus one black guy

we see fans cross all kinds of lines all the time

i don’t got a problem with it as long as it’s kept within reason

but for example, throwing anything is clearly crossing lines and you deserve whatever happens after.. but soccer fans throwing bananas at black players is some whole other shh

like sixers fans with ben simmons, booing him ain’t no problem.. but if they get in his face, throw shh, start talking about his family or get on some racist shh then lines have clearly been crossed
we see fans cross all kinds of lines all the time

i don’t got a problem with it as long as it’s kept within reason

but for example, throwing anything is clearly crossing lines and you deserve whatever happens after.. but soccer fans throwing bananas at black players is some whole other shh

like sixers fans with ben simmons, booing him ain’t no problem.. but if they get in his face, throw shh, start talking about his family or get on some racist shh then lines have clearly been crossed
What you said about the soccer matches is sickening and i agree with you.

But as far as the Kyrie hate issue… I don’t understand how people seem to question if it’s a race thing when clearly Kyrie has brought a lot of this upon himself
What you said about the soccer matches is sickening and i agree with you.

But as far as the Kyrie hate issue… I don’t understand how people seem to question if it’s a race thing when clearly Kyrie has brought a lot of this upon himself

it‘s the playoffs and he plays for the opposing team

ben Simmons ain’t done shh to or in boston, but Im sure the crowd is going say some shh just to get in his head if he plays
it‘s the playoffs and he plays for the opposing team

ben Simmons ain’t done shh to or in boston, but Im sure the crowd is going say some shh just to get in his head if he plays
Oh you better believeeee it. I expected a lot more boos for Bruce Brown but i heard nothing the whole game
Wow KD got in position to cover tatum at the top of the three point line… But he really thought smart was going to shoot the ball and he thought the game was over… Tatum slipped right by
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