2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

I saw that stat they posted and was basically saying "THANK YOU"!!!! Kinda like when you know a perfect game/no-hitter is happening...you shut your bleeping mouth. Same concept Michael Kay! Especially with that stat. Instant jinx! Us Phillies fans thank you!! 👏👏

Nola gonna put this away tomorrow and we're moving on!! 👏👏

Oh, and I bleeping hate A-Rod!! 😡😡
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Playoff hockey as well. In the NHL every team has a chance at the cup.

yeah playoff hockey a whole other level of intense. butt clenching stuff :lol:

i will say with though...playoff baseball you really do hold on to every single pitch :lol:
Not a big fan of Hockey but in the playoffs I’ll watch with some my boys who are Rangers, Flyers, and Bruins fans. It’s intense. Yea. I get it.

But Baseball, every pitch will have me in agony as a fan. Now if I’m watching the post season as a neutral I can enjoy it relaxed.

IDK just my opinion.
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