2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

Damn...Great game...Mariners almost had it. Vin Diesel held on in the end though. Ready for tomorrow already.

Enought Nats talk. They suck yo. No one cares.

Ish is lining up perfect for A's to show and prove.
It'd be easy to say, "...if the Astro's can't get healthy, A's will catch them"

....but as of now, A's have 2 more with Seattle before a 3 game Series with Stros.
So litty.
Talking about needing a flex on Sundays. That 3rd game of the A's vs Stros is penned for 4pm cst, and I don't even have to look to see Yanks or Cubs got the Late National TV spot.

edit: Mets vs Phillies have that game? Man hell to the no.

Seen this on twitter and thought it was a dope pic.
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