2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

Every year I say **** this organization, they don't do anything to win. And every year I end up getting a 24 game package to continue to support them. :smh:

tough to ignore something you love...even if it does treat you like **** :lol:
Who's setting up the lfantasy baseball keeper league? Also, I have a funeral to attend to Saturday so I'd prefer if the draft wasn't on a Saturday.
The A's are offering new hats to people who turn in their Giants hats

Very surprised Wheeler is in the rotation. Thoughts?

@d3simet johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm

I support the decision even though I rather to see Lugo over Wheeler and Montero in the bullpen. I understand why Mets chose Wheeler over Lugo in the rotation. Whenever one of our starting pitchers go down, Lugo takes their spot immediately. Also, I think it's a good idea for Wheeler to start in the major than in the minor and see how does he do out there. As long as Wheeler feels fine. His pitching mechanics looks a bit different than before tho

Agreed on having him start in AAA, would have been wiser.

Wheeler will be shut down in July so I'm fine w it.

Wouldn't you want him for the later stretch of the season, pitching in warmer weather now in AAA vs cold NY for the next 2 months?
The issue is he'd still be throwing right now and using up the innings in the minors
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I mean if they don't then it makes the concept of an innings limit so damn arbitrary lol

A Yankees podcast I listen to brings up a good point almost weekly now, even trying to come up with an acronym. The idea of keeping track of bullpen warm-up pitch count.
A Yankees podcast I listen to brings up a good point almost weekly now, even trying to come up with an acronym. The idea of keeping track of bullpen warm-up pitch count.
Matt Williams was the absolute worst at that. I remember guys complaining he had them get up three or more times a game :smh:
I spent all morning in the Cubs threads thinking it was the MLB thread. SMH

I'm washed to start the season.
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