2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

You are a die hard fan of the game now and I assume for your entire life. You have spent money, countless hours and actual emotion in watching baseball. And you just said that the World Series Trophy is just a piece of metal.
You are lying to yourself, simply because you are tired of this story. You dont truly believe that. You know it. I know it. NT knows it.
He’s an idiot but you guys are blowing up what he said. I honestly think he’s just simplifying it down to what it really is at it’s purest form, a piece of metal. Everything’s been done and celebrated and realized, all that’s left is the piece of metal that you can take away. Honestly, I would be more offended and disrespected if they took the trophy away since that’s literally an insult to our intelligence.

now on an unrelated note, has it been confirmed that they’re changing the balls this season? Because I feel like that would be a travesty. The juiced ball produced a lot of excitement for the average fan who has probably been lost since the home run/steroid era ended.
How would it be an insult to anyone’s intelligence? It’s an ultimate consequence for cheating your way to what is supposed to be the ultimate prize in your sport. NCAA does that kind of thing without hesitation. Yes we all know who won in the end but now you’d have the embarrassment behind how you achieved it.

It’s ultimately insulting our intelligence by allowing them to keep it. It’s saying, “hey, cheating is bad and against the rules, but I guess you won.”
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The ncaa is a joke for the way they handled things. Erasing history is not the remedy for this solution. Penalizing everyone involved is.
It’s not a punishment. Everyone knows it happens and if you take it away, it becomes something even more people talk about because of the circumstances. Losing the trophy isn’t taking away the experience or the recognition when everyone can literally watch the entire games on mlb.tv
The thing about stripping the title is that it would sting for an organization like the Astros. That’s an organization which has been around since 1962. Didn’t win their first playoff series until 2004, and aside from a World Series appearance in 2005 and a few decent seasons here and there, were a failure organization for the majority of their 55 seasons or so of existence before winning that title.

You finally win one , only to have the legitimacy of it questioned, to have the achievement tarnished, and to be the only team in the 4 major professional sports that I can think of to have such an embarrassment happen to them would send a message.

The way things are right now, it’s not enough to deter this from happening again. The collateral damage was worth it to Crane. In his eyes this will eventually be forgotten about and things will go back to business as usual.
I’m shocked to see how many people are killing them. Ex players from other leagues, commentators and fans. A lot of people saying take the title and post season ban.

Can public opinion force Rob’s hand or does he stay stupid?
So is this really an argument against it because YOU don't want it talked about anymore? Because if they did it, it'd be talked about more. I mean, good luck with that. Anytime the astros are nationally broadcasted, it'll be talked about. Their offense begins to struggle or slump, it'll be talked about. They go on a losing streak, it'll be talked about. You're right. Taking the trophy away doesn't take away the experience, but you can absolutely take away the recognition of "World Series Champions." You remove that trophy, remove that banner, and their name as champions and why, that absolutely takes their recognition and changes it.

Just because you can watch the game replays on mlb.tv, doesn't take away the fact they cheated to get their title. People are aware and wouldn't be recognizing them for their achievement, they'd be recognizing them for their failure to do it morally. This isn't that hard to understand. They'd be recognized as much for their scandal as the 1919 Black Sox.
Nothing compares to losing on purpose because the mob threatened your family and you hated your owner. There’s nothing worse than that scandal.
Who does the investigations? Feel like if they keep it internal it will always be spun in favor of the league's interests.
Manfred has a team to do it but their investigation was based on interviews with the Astros players and coaches...........

The level of incompetence he's showed throughout this whole process and his recent interviews are actually impressive. How did he get this job in the first place? He's clearly not qualified.
Darvish is gonna have a solid year this year. His numbers were actually pretty decent last year when you looked at his peripherals.
Does MLB release a statement to the rest of the league warning pitchers to not throw at Astros players?
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