2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

Didnt the Dodgers trade for him? I wonder how the trade would have been affected if he hadn't cheated? Houston got these guys all messed up, lol.
I'm super surprised that it hasnt become the bigger issue, stuff like this is a crime in the financial world.
Aight on a serious note
lets get this keeper league going the right way

so far we have me, champ, ecook, and someone else I forgot who it was.
Who else is down? How much? Let’s go over the details and get this settled.
There aren't enough words to express how hopeful I am that you are kidding.

Ska, I've always respected you and I don't blame you for what the Meth administration did but you didn't stop the unfair impeachment of jrose5 jrose5 which as a juror in his impeachment and as an administrator you could've voted against his impeachment and for Meth's impeachment. Huff and I have similar views on liberals and their conjecture and innuendo. I am proud of him and him using #TRUMP2020 and #SMASHMOUTHPOLITICS to get his message out .
Ska, I've always respected you and I don't blame you for what the Meth administration did but you didn't stop the unfair impeachment of jrose5 jrose5 which as a juror in his impeachment and as an administrator you could've voted against his impeachment and for Meth's impeachment. Huff and I have similar views on liberals and their conjecture and innuendo. I am proud of him and him using #TRUMP2020 and #SMASHMOUTHPOLITICS to get his message out .
Nah, JRose did too much. I totally forgot about that, but he was getting too extra with a few people.

As far as politically: liberals... conjecture? Agreed.

No more or less than conservatives.

Different sides of the same coin. Party loyalty is the most disgusting thing about politics, not either of the main 2 sides themselves.
Why do people put entire sentences behind a hashtag? Isn't the point of a hashtag simplicity so you can click on it and search for similar posts? Never understood why people started doing that.

#I_dont_get_it_either #Just_type_the_damn_sentence #How_is_this_effective_communication #This_is_why_we_cant_have_nice_things
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