2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

I did not know Blake sounded like that

some of the comments for this tweet
I was surprised at Snell's urbanized delivery (idk what else to call it) when I first heard him talk when he won the Cy Young a couple years ago too :lol:.
I don’t blame Snell one bit at all for what he said.

That said, I expected the predictable misguided outrage from fans. People don’t accept crappy arrangements from their employers because they want to, they do it because they have to.

I don’t blame the players for playing hardball. I think most people would reluctantly agree to getting their hours cut at their current job given the current circumstances (them agreeing to a prorated salary). But if a few weeks later, your employer said, not only do we have to cut your hours in half. But we also need you to take a 40% paycut to keep working in questionable conditions. Yeah that’s going to be a hard sell in any industry.
Pitchers are easily the most at risk of all the players. They touch the ball more in general, and people forget that pitchers lick their fingers constantly in games. Thats a big deal IMO.
Knew he was one of those I love hip hop hillbillies when he was doing interviews for his Cy Young.

82 games starting July, curious to see if this really happens. Did they say all stadiums would be empty? I remember last year or the year before the O’s and Blue Jays or some other team played in an empty stadium. I didn’t mind it.
I don’t blame Snell one bit at all for what he said.

That said, I expected the predictable misguided outrage from fans. People don’t accept crappy arrangements from their employers because they want to, they do it because they have to.

I don’t blame the players for playing hardball. I think most people would reluctantly agree to getting their hours cut at their current job given the current circumstances (them agreeing to a prorated salary). But if a few weeks later, your employer said, not only do we have to cut your hours in half. But we also need you to take a 40% paycut to keep working in questionable conditions. Yeah that’s going to be a hard sell in any industry.

I get what you are saying, but it's COMPLETELY tone-deaf right now. With over 36M people out of work, he's still going to make over $4 million (what they said on sports radio this morning). I think he can survive on $4M for a year. And he goes on to complain that his money is taxed!! SERIOUSLY buddy? You don't say! Taxes, OMG!!! What a tool!!

The funny thing, and this is the kicker with his comments yesterday, on March 11 or 12 he was asked about playing, and he said he wasn't concerned and if he gets it he gets it. Total 180 on that!
I get what you are saying, but it's COMPLETELY tone-deaf right now. With over 36M people out of work, he's still going to make over $4 million (what they said on sports radio this morning). I think he can survive on $4M for a year. And he goes on to complain that his money is taxed!! SERIOUSLY buddy? You don't say! Taxes, OMG!!! What a tool!!

The funny thing, and this is the kicker with his comments yesterday, on March 11 or 12 he was asked about playing, and he said he wasn't concerned and if he gets it he gets it. Total 180 on that!

I didn’t know about the last part. But from an optics perspective and properly getting the message across, you’re right on the first part. He didn’t sugarcoat things or hold any punches. While I didn’t mind what said, from a public opinion perspective, I can see how it would alienate the average fan and come off as tone deaf. Me personally though, I have no issue with what he said.

That said. Nolan Arenado had a good perspective on everything Snell said.
I didn’t know about the last part. But from an optics perspective and properly getting the message across, you’re right on the first part. He didn’t sugarcoat things or hold any punches. While I didn’t mind what said, from a public opinion perspective, I can see how it would alienate the average fan and come off as tone deaf. Me personally though, I have no issue with what he said.

That said. Nolan Arenado had a good perspective on everything Snell said.

Yeah, there was an interview he did back in March and they replayed it. He definitely said it. I have a problem with it as millions have had to take concessions due to the pandemic. If he's complaining about not making his full salary, he's a pretty ignorant person who has blinders on to the world with not seeing what's going on around him.

Even though I hate this guy, Roger Goodell, who makes WAY TOO MUCH, said he wasn't taking a salary this year. Means he can make do with what he has. This guy can take $4M vs his normal full salary and he's going to be fine for one year. His comments are reminiscent of Sprewell turning down a 3/$21M deal and said he has to feed his family, or Kenny Anderson complaining during the strike he has to sell one of his 8 luxury cars. Some athletes just don't get it! There are 36M who would gladly trade places to get that kind payday right now.
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I don't care what Snell had to say.

No opinion for or against it. He can learn something in all of this, that's good.
This is quickly turning exactly how the owners want this narrative to go.

Billionaire owners lay in the weeds and use the media to claim "they are ready for business".....and then the players have to figure out the logistics, the personal safety, their "worth" and the microphones.

It's already starting, as the old baseball heads are coming out railing on the players. It's gonna be their "fault" if the season isn't played correctly and hell depending on how this plays out they could be blamed more than the virus.
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