2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

Yeah, there was an interview he did back in March and they replayed it. He definitely said it. I have a problem with it as millions have had to take concessions due to the pandemic. If he's complaining about not making his full salary, he's a pretty ignorant person who has blinders on to the world with not seeing what's going on around him.

Even though I hate this guy, Roger Goodell, who makes WAY TOO MUCH, said he wasn't taking a salary this year. Means he can make do with what he has. This guy can take $4M vs his normal full salary and he's going to be fine for one year. His comments are reminiscent of Sprewell turning down a 3/$21M deal and said he has to feed his family, or Kenny Anderson complaining during the strike he has to sell one of his 8 luxury cars. Some athletes just don't get it! There are 36M who would gladly trade places to get that kind payday right now.

From what I read on the ESPN article and from hearing him speak, it sounded as if he was saying if I gotta give up more money than what we’re already giving up already. Came off as he was fine with the pro rated salaries, but anything else he isn’t with.

All that said though. I still don’t take exception to what he said, but the owners are probably appreciative of what he said because it makes the players look bad in the court of public opinion. In the battle of millionaire players vs billionaire owners, the average fan tends to side with the owners.

That said. I’m sure we ultimately get baseball as both sides have a bit to lose from not getting it done for any reason other than some huge spike in cases. But with the CBA set to expire late next year, how this plays out can potentially have ramifications which carry over into that.

Snell is technically from Shoreline (15-20 mins north of Seattle) but yeah they aren’t necessarily hillbillies up there.
15-20 mins?...nah, man...Shoreline damn near the North Seattle border. Maybe to downtown on I-5, but Shoreline basically starts meshing with Lake City...unless he's a highlands/Richmond Beach kid, I can see it.
I was responding to Lee, but yes...and that's West Seattle, so Shoreline on the I-5 corridor is minutes from N. Seattle. Things can change and fluctuate considerably in a 2.5 mile radius anywhere there though.
Great, we are on the same page. My only point is he isn’t paying 2.8M for a house there like here.

Who says he is? Nice spot for a humble brag? :lol:

Homes definitely in the 7 figures in the right spots in Shoreline. Not quite as high as it'll get for Ballard, but that's irrelevant to the conversation.
Who says he is? Nice spot for a humble brag? :lol:

Homes definitely in the 7 figures in the right spots in Shoreline. Not quite as high as it'll get for Ballard, but that's irrelevant to the conversation.

Lol my point was he isn’t from Seattle. I’m sure you get it.

Let me know if you want to grab a beer, soon my man
I was responding to Lee, but yes...and that's West Seattle, so Shoreline on the I-5 corridor is minutes from N. Seattle. Things can change and fluctuate considerably in a 2.5 mile radius anywhere there though.

Yup, I always reference things from downtownish. My auntie and her fam recently got a spot in Shoreline and I’ve rarely driven up when there wasn’t at least medium traffic.

Growing up in Seattle, I’ve always lumped everything north of downtown together as “North Seattle”, because we never really went north of downtown. May not be correct according to official city zoning but it worked for most folks I grew up with haha!

SMH at my damn Kiwoom Heroes though...

MLB needs to get it together and come back, need a real sports fix now that the Last Dance doc is done.
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