2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

man who are you kidding until just now; my girl is all hungover at a bachelorette party this weekend she texted me "good morning! did you get them?"

I was ready to throw my phone at the wall :lol:

same here dude completely slept in and none of my alarms woke me up... by noon it was beyond late for the release here in cali. gonna rock them nontourages or maybe the white/gum undefeated's. feeling salty but hope more shops have them this coming week.
Man the salt was even worse this morning too cause I was out late last night drinking with some of my boys so I was hungover as hell. Come 8:30a I took my hungover, salty self back to bed lol.
I dunno...

To keep it one hundred, if you know what you are doing, flipping kicks can absolutely outperform the market. And, if you've been doing this a long time and were able to take advantage of sales and stuff, you got some heavy ROIs. I have pairs of 2001 Infra 6s, for example, that I bought for $60. What can you get for those nowadays 450+, right? So, find me an investment fund that would have delivered an 800% return over 12 years or whatever?

Nowadays, you can't really get that win because the "market" is more efficient. Prices don't get as low, and for the most part then don't go as high for the majority of stuff. But, it is kind of like stocks in that if you "invested" in the right things, you could have made "profits." There are Polo hats from the early 90s that were in outlets in baskets priced 9.99, that now literally fetch thousands of dollars.

Now, I'm hesitant to even post this because it's they type of thing that will encourage all these young dudes to try to resell. But, my old heads know what I'm saying.

That said, none of that was the reason I got into kicks or gear. When I was falling in love with these things, it was completely unfathomable to think that what has happened would have happened.

And, if people want to get into this sneaker thing as simply a means of making money, that's fine. But, don't try to rub shoulders with the people you are exploiting.
I have lots of "reps" I must be super duper cool!

Because it's a market I'm familiar with (I'm not ashamed to say I've been a nerd most of my life) , I always bring it back to the comic book market. People were making THOUSANDS back in the 80s/early 90s when they'd flip some old Golden Age/Silver Age books, and those things STILL go for a ton of money, but then the publishers started trying to cash in on the collectors, and you'd have a ton of new number 1 issues every week, with gimmick covers, and limited availability for some of the variant covers. Then the market crashed. The old books still go for a lot, but where are most of those books from the early 90s? Rotting in quarter bins. There's some decent stuff in them if you actually liked the story arcs/artists, but you're not going to get rich from holding onto 300 copies of Jim Lee's X-Men #1 covers A-E.
Old New Orleans apartment, with the wood starting to rot on the railing, it just slid out of the support beams and I fell backwards breaking my fall on a chain link fence. Messed up thing was that it was early in the night so no one was even drunk yet.
  Damn that sounds pretty bad. Good you made it out though. Things could've been alot worse!
did anybody in here get their box autographed?

Went to DWH pretty smooth release about 40-50 people. These are too nice in person :smokin

kixify got a 10.5 and an 11.5 for $215 - maybe contacting those sellers might get you a better price.

Damn. Hope all things considered you healed up from that, my dude.

speaking of being impressed by sneakers...

I literally hate when people start talking to me about them; I was with my gf the other day and we rolled into Zumiez and as soon as I walked in the dude working there was like

"ARE THESE THEM, ARE THESE THE TIFFANY DUNKS?!?!" as he pointed with both hands at my feet then he goes on about dumb crap he doesn't know about. He was trying to tell me that the Tiff's are 3M and I'm just like "yeah dude whatever ****". I warned my gf before we entered what was probably gonna happen because of cheesy those dudes working there are. :smh: :smh:

He kept trying to show me these Diamond shirts and what not; I told him I hated Diamond and could careless pretty much and if they didn't sell Stussy I would never walk into that store :lol:

Yeah. Dudes think I want to talk kicks with them all the time. Sorry, buddy, I don't really care... And, it's always when I wearing something like that. Nobody comes up to me when I'm rocking some 1991 Air Force 1s to chop it up. ...A shame actually, because somebody who recognized what THOSE were might be somebody who I would actually like to talk to.

Around Christmas I was in Foot Locker, I was wearing a red sit down Polo Bear knit from '92. ...It says RL '92 right on the damn sweater, mind you. Dumb *** employee is all up in my grill, like, Yo, where did you get that sweater? C'mon son...

Why ? These sneakers were a hyperstrike !  225 ? Silly child ! He could have laid back and got more !

A hyperstrike?

Aight, b.
the thirst and sadness of resellers is hilarious

I emailed one eBay seller who basically begged me to give him $225 via Paypal and he would take them to the post office now; like I don't know it's closed :lol:

There is such thing as 24 hr post office locations and a lot of locations have self service kiosks that allow u to ship 24-7.
hey did you see me there? I was number 4 in line, the white dude with long hair.

lol yea i saw you there i was number 7, i had the bred 11s on ....release was dope and it was cool that they let us get back in line :D
Pulled these out of the "closet archives" for today. Modeled after the OG send helps back in 06 with a corporate f you twist. I do enjoy a shoe with a decent back story. Drunk day!
Fireproof suit on.
Because it's a market I'm familiar with (I'm not ashamed to say I've been a nerd most of my life) , I always bring it back to the comic book market. People were making THOUSANDS back in the 80s/early 90s when they'd flip some old Golden Age/Silver Age books, and those things STILL go for a ton of money, but then the publishers started trying to cash in on the collectors, and you'd have a ton of new number 1 issues every week, with gimmick covers, and limited availability for some of the variant covers. Then the market crashed. The old books still go for a lot, but where are most of those books from the early 90s? Rotting in quarter bins. There's some decent stuff in them if you actually liked the story arcs/artists, but you're not going to get rich from holding onto 300 copies of Jim Lee's X-Men #1 covers A-E.

Yeah. A perfect example, and very similar to what is happening and will happen with sneakers. ...While that stuff that isn't worth anything was coming out, it was somewhat valuable though. That's sort of the stage where we are at with sneakers. Most of these gimmicky releases and CWs aren't tied to any actual history, the way OG Jordans and retros in OG CWs are, for example. So, the only thing supporting their price is the massive sneakerhead bubble we're in. Once, it's not cool anymore, those items will crash. Remember when Union 180s and Nelly Barkleys were commanding like 500? You can't get crap for those now (relatively speaking). That's because they were gimmicks that weren't really tied to anything with historic value, so once the dudes of that era of sneakers moved on, there was no market left for them. The same thing will happen with crap like Bel Air 5s. It might take a while, but it will happen. The same thing won't ever happen to Black Cement 3s, for example.

Comics was my one hypebeast venture. I got into comic collecting for a while in the early 90s (maybe even earlier) because a lot of my friends were into it. I never really cared for comics, but I did it because I thought it was cool. I didn't really read them, but I thought it sounded cool to have a comic book collection. I didn't stay in the hobby too long because it didn't actually bring me any joy. It was an early lesson in the empty feeling of beasting. Since then, I vowed not to do stuff like that anymore. I certainly have been introduced to things by others, but if I don't like it personally, I don't stick around.
The wound gets deeper seeing y'all with pairs, sometimes multiples lol...congrats on the pickup, I keep telling myself I don't want these that much to spend $200+ on them
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Never in the history of sneakerdom have i ever heard a dude score some wet wet (and good wet wet at that) because of sneakers. 

If anything, the trend right now is dudes want compliments from other dudes over kicks. Nah fam. I mean if it was a car like some chevelle or a vette, yea you getting some high maintenance box. But for kicks? 

Listen. I'm gonna keep it 100. Shoes are dope to me, but to your average woman who lowkey hip, they lookin at sneaker heads (thanks to the jordan hype ect..) like we some nerds. Thats just real. 

lol yea i saw you there i was number 7, i had the bred 11s on ....release was dope and it was cool that they let us get back in line :D
yeah I remember you, it was a really smooth release. Nice for a change.
Pulled these out of the "closet archives" for today. Modeled after the OG send helps back in 06 with a corporate f you twist. I do enjoy a shoe with a decent back story. Drunk day!
Fireproof suit on.

Nah, no flame suit needed. Those are dope.

Here's my set. Couldn't find my original pic, so I took it off my IG.

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