2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Gotta say the YOTH is the nicest SB release I've seen in years, and I have all the usual drops.  Suede is otherworldly.  
Wow I was considering getting the size 9 for my friend and they disapeared within minutes. Oh well got my pair

That section of the toe box is a more "hairy" suede compared to the top of the toe box. If you wipe it in the other direction it will get darker.

SOMPs that have "dry" areas really don't change color in either direction.

SOMPs are without a doubt in the upper echelon of quality but the YOTHs on my end are IMMACULATE. I would cop YOTH pillow cases and bed sheets if they existed :tongue:
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SOMP's were chilling in the car so I snapped a pic of these beauties on lunch
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I was thinking more for GR type of stuff but you could be right, it might not be up to the retailers at all. I know some retailers only seem to get sizes 7 or 8-13, however I guess it could be Nike/their Nike rep. only giving them those sizes. Or it could be based on the size/amount of sales of the particular retailer too.... smaller shops might not get as big of a size run and bigger shops might get a complete FSR like say size 4-15. It does seem like with the online shops who do get the smaller sizes, those seem to be the last sizes to sell or still be sitting when the rest are gone.

Maybe I can summon some @John00 info about size runs and have him bust out his chair gif. Haven't seen that in a minute and he'd prob have a lot better knowledge about these type of things.
No problem @TJB679  and @Siye. I love when people ask me questions. Sizing is generally is based off of what your rep thinks you can sell (your demographics), your account status and per shop request.

1.) Demographics - As I spoke about before in this thread when you first get an SB account the first thing they send out is a person to check out your demographics and your shop in GENERAL. If you're a shop in a city that has a demand for bigger sizes 13-15 or smaller sizes 5-7, then you'll receive those if you can get the allocation. Availability and the type of release the sneaker is scheduled for really impacts your size run. True HS are clearly going to be released in MUCH smaller numbers so runs could get tight depending on allocations. Your monthly QS (outside of some special stipulation placed forth buy the designer)compared to a HS, is going to be made in much healthier numbers so you can get a run from 5-13 and maybe a 14 if it's available and it can be allocated to you. GRs, you can order whatever size you'd like as long as they're in stock when you place your order.

2.) Account Status - We've spoke about many shops not paying bills. SB don't play that sh*t, lol. If you're not making your payments and you're ducking the accounting guys you will get WHATEVER they send to you. I know shops that weren't making payments on time or at all and they wouldn't get a full size run of anything. It'd be like size 8-10.5 or 7-10, LMAO! Something real f*cked up like that. Pay your bills on time and move LOTS of product and you'll get your allocations..or at least that's how it's supposed to go. Believe me if you can move product like Premier, BP and SPOT you'll get what you want.

3.) Shop request - Now this is something that you must make your shop aware of. If you build a relationship with your local that's strong enough and ensure them that you 'll buy it if they order it in your small or big size, they can actually order GRs for you or put in a request with Nike SB reps to increase the size boundaries in their size runs in general or for just QS. This doesn't always happen immediately (it could take months) though because of how the allocations are set already for QS. With certain QS it's out of the shop owners hands and it's up to the reps but keep in mind that the rep WILL have the shops normal run in the back his mind when he's allocating that QS or HS to that shop. Again, availability plays a HUGE part in what sizes will be allocated. Keep in mind, most shop owners DON'T like getting stuck with big or small sizes (5-7 or 13 and up) so some will request to cut their runs to sizes 8-12. Ask your local and see what they can do for you.
John thank you so much for that informative read. I love learning all the insider info on the hobby. Repped!

I actually tried asking my local to stock smaller sizes and he said he could try asking his rep for 7s (this is Canada and we only get til 8) so that was pretty cool even if too big for me personally. :D
Have had somps since release...just got in my nigel sylvester g shock ( had shipping problems)



Nice addition to the watch collection.
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