2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

My newest pick up...

Damn thread moved quick...... BS dope concept n ill box shoe wasn't all that IMO. Freddy n Heavens gates were GREAT scrapped kicks , now compare those the BS lol
I guess I lucked out buying a pair.. i cannot believe they're on ebay for $400+ w/ live bids... now I feel better about missing out on LMs because I have some trade bait.
Not an SB, although I am rocking it with a Zoom Air insole today. These have held up pretty well considering how little I take care of them. When I wear them to work, I get stopped by a lot of security guards that say the shoes show up with a ghostly glow from the IR security camera's view.

I contacted spot about my pair of BS and supposedly now is lost..... They were shipped but it hasn't updated on their part or ups, so they are trying to find it. Idk how that happens tbh sounds fishy.
I contacted spot about my pair of BS and supposedly now is lost..... They were shipped but it hasn't updated on their part or ups, so they are trying to find it. Idk how that happens tbh sounds fishy.

sometimes stuff gets scanned incorrectly or gets missed when they're loading/unloading a truck. If you let them know they'll get UPS to try and do a manual trace if it was supposedly picked up. Might take a while but stuff normally turns up.
I'm pretty sure they pulling a fast one on me taking about this has only Happened once before. It was shipped Tuesday.

But how is there no tracking number??

Well see what happens, the world cup should take my mind off it.
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Nah it was needed, last couple pages have been borderline unreadable.

To keep things moving away from the LM and BS topics that have been beat to death.....

Kinda off topic, but I've always kinda wondered. What do y'all do with your worn shoes? As in, do you:

A. Wear them until worn through the bottom
B. Sell them after they don't look crisp (10-15 wears)
C. Throw them out/give them away/donate them once they get dirty and creased up, even if they aren't worn out?
D. Other criteria?

Me personally, I have such a hard time parting with shoes, even when they're destroyed :lol:. It usually takes my chick saying, seriously, these are destroyed, you need to get rid of these :lol:. Guess it's from how I was raised, parents never wanted to buy me nice shoes, and the ones I did get had to last, so now I still have a hard time getting rid of em.

I'm sure all of us deal with this since we all have a lot more shoes then the average Joe. Hopefully this isn't too offtopic, I've always kinda wondered and figured this was as good a time as any to ask.

I have a few pairs that I've worn through to the bottom.

I've sold some - but I don't sell shoes because I've worn them too much, I sell them only if I've decided that I don't really want them.

I give stuff to my younger brother, who himself doesn't really care about sneakers or clothes or any of those kinds of things. His wife gets mad at me for giving him too much stuff.

I also maintain storage units. A lot of stuff I have is older and there isn't such a robust market for it, and I can't wear it, but I don't want to get rid of it. ...Like, what am I going to do with a pair of original AM95s that have been worn like 15 times? I'd rather just have it for the history than sell it for pennies on the dollar.
So they brought back Nike ID but you can only make the shoe white (leather and snakeskin) or black by making it all black suede....wtf?
Not an SB, although I am rocking it with a Zoom Air insole today. These have held up pretty well considering how little I take care of them. When I wear them to work, I get stopped by a lot of security guards that say the shoes show up with a ghostly glow from the IR security camera's view.


Had these in Highschool while my cousin had the low navy/3Ms. Rep'd.
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