2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

My Bordeaux VII from Nike that I bought on RD have the "Air Jordan" missing from the tongue. Waited forever for those to be retro'd too. Pisses me off every time I wear them.
I'll get to the questions later. But, at the risk of rehashing this debate here - actually, I'd be happy to rehash it - you are simply wrong. Frankly, this is not a matter of opinion. "Authenticity" is an abstract concept that extends far beyond, "hey, same materials." It is remarkable how sneaker enthusiasts, and alleged "brand loyalists" don't understand this. If that faceless, middle manager in Beaverton doesn't authorize the production of an item, it is not an authentic Nike item - period. I know it's jarring for people to think about because it really highlights how irrational a love for a brand is. For those of you truly shaken by that idea, that's fine. I think it is reasonable for a person to be taken aback by the realization of how flimsy brand identity is; it's a clear referendum on how shallow it is to care about a brand. ...People mainly embrace the "unauthorized pairs are okay" stance because they don't want to accept what it says about them if they accept the truth, i.e. you are a brand whoar. That doesn't bother me. I'm secure in who I am. There are two fashion brands for which I have an irrational affinity. I'm proud to be guilty of that - it doesn't define my broadstroke consumer behavior though.

But, make no mistake, unauthorized pairs are intellectual property violations. If the world were to adapt the philosophy that as long as the final product was identical to the "authorized" versions, that's okay, the global economy would literally collapse. That's not hyperbole; that's a fact.

Cool story bro. Don't care. Unauthorized =/= fake. All my opinions on this are in the two JB threads dedicated to this subject.

My Bordeaux VII from Nike that I bought on RD have the "Air Jordan" missing from the tongue. Waited forever for those to be retro'd too. Pisses me off every time I wear them.
Exactly why unauthorized pairs are real to me. I would much rather have an A grade unauthorized pair than that (no offense). I dont give a **** about Nike's bottom line or feelings toward the situation.
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I have to agree with BIP. Something that is unauthorized cannot be considered as an authentic product. It just cant.
What is the difference between unauthorized pairs and fakes?
There is two whole threads in JB about it.

Unauthorized pairs - Same nike approved materials, same machines, same workers, doing an extra run when they are not supposed to (without Nikes approval). You can find a lot unauthorized Space Jams on eBay. They are easy to spot since JB started tinting the soles blue. Blue tints started with the CG XIs, however since the machines are set up for blue tinted soles newly made space jams have blue tinted soles. Production dates also closely reflect when the shoe was actually made.

Authorized Space Jams

Unauthorized Space Jams

A flaw that is much better than upside down jumpman symbols, moldy materials, or missing letterings that DO pass QC

Fake - Not made by Nike

Like I said I dont care if pairs are authorized or not. Miss me with that brand loyalty ****.
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How can you determine an unauthorized pair from an approved pair? Besides that SJ example

YOU CAN'T THAT'S MY POINT! Same materials, same workers, same machines. If you purchased shoes online or at a ma and pa shop you might have some and not even realize it.

sometimes the production dates reflect when the shoe was made, not when the authorized run was done
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Question #1. Replicas & fakes are lame, & if you bash those who wear them your lame. Or even care if someones ish is legit your lame. Me personally I could careless about weather someones shoes are legit. Do you & Eff what people think.

Question #2. Freddy's & Blue Levis Sample. Why? They are dope & I like them.

Question #3. Red Box/White Logo. Or Yellow Box/Black Logo. That Redbox the previewed awhile back was pretty sweet.

Question #4. Best experience shopping for sneaks. Uhmm, I have had plenty of good experiences my local shop cowtown. They run they skate scene here in AZ. I actually became friends with alot of the staff & they always hold me down. www.cowtownskateboards.com

Question #5. We have 2 specialty sneaker stores in my state. HoH & HighPoint. And both of these sores have HORRIBLE customer service. What did it for me was when the mother of my children went to HighPoint recently to purchase shoes for my son. THe dudes that worked there didn't even pay her any mind. I know we dont like to be hassled by some store employees while you browse but these dudes dont even say HI when u walk in. & you ask them a question they have this nonchalant type of attitude.

Cool story bro. Don't care. Unauthorized =/= fake. All my opinions on this are in the two JB threads dedicated to this subject.
Exactly why unauthorized pairs are real to me. I would much rather have an A grade unauthorized pair than that (no offense). I dont give a **** about Nike's bottom line or feelings toward the situation.

Yes. I remember. I dismantled every simpleton argument in that thread too.

Anybody can have an opinion - not every opinion, or everybody's opinion, counts though.

I'll leave it at that.
Yes. I remember. I dismantled every simpleton argument in that thread too.

Anybody can have an opinion - not every opinion, or everybody's opinion, counts though.

I'll leave it at that.

Keep telling yourself that

Jades are awesome. So underrated.
Yah I love my pair. It became my beaters tho so it lost all its brightness
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I like the whole Questionnaire thing for this thread, I do think your Questions are a little all over the place and should be more about Nike SB. I dont think you would take any offense to me voicing me opinion to you John00 since you are like in charge of putting the questions out there for the thread. So like for an example of a series of questions might be like-


Question 1. Favorite Nike SB that you own? Do you wear them? Personal attachments or Sentimental Stories?

Question 2. Which model of SB Dunks do you like the most Lows, Highs, Or Mids? What are the factors that play a role in your purchase?)

yeah something l like that, I think. I hope no one takes any offense on how I think the questions should be based.
Fakes serve their purpose. I am just opposed to ppl trying to pass them as authentic.

If you know your shoes then you can spot out a fake fairly easily, so in the end its ppl that buy fakes that bit $@ at it. Ive been guilty of that too.

This is a damn shame! With all of the stuff presented I ask:

Question #1: What are your thoughts on replica/fake sneakers? What are your thoughts on those that wear them? What are your thoughts about the people that bash those who wear them?

Question #2: Which sample, scrapped idea or "Friends and family" SB/sneaker (give me your Top 3 if you can't narrow it down) do you wish would have made it to be officially released to the public? Why?

Question #3: If you could chose the color/design of the next Nike SB box, what would it be and why?

Question #4 In your opinion, what's the best customer service you've ever had when shopping for sneakers? What made it the best and what shop was it?

Question #5: In your opinion, what's the worst customer service you've ever had when shopping for sneakers? What made it the worst and what shop was it? (Don't be shook to put the shop on blast)

1) Ok, definitely a touchy subject which got much play on the boards and youtube few weeks ago. Replica/Fakes are something that have been around for a long time and will not go away. The fact is bootlegging is the nature of the beast when you've got companies producing high end/priced items in low wage countries. I personally don't have or have owned replica sneakers of any kind. Although I did change my tune when it came to 1 sneaker, my view is the quality, craftsmanship and overall look of reps/fakes just don't justify the purchase. Is it a sense of pride? No just the fact that the shoes are off in too many ways. It's not to say that the quality hasn't improved from some youtube videos I've seen but it's just something that's never really crossed my mind to buy. As far as people wearing em who cares? What you do and what you care about shouldn't be affected by what others do. If you're getting mad because someone with fakes is getting props because he's claiming them to be legit then you need to re-evaluate why you buy shoes. So they paid a fraction of what you did big deal? Are those props that important to you? And how empty is your life if you bash someone/call them out for wearing fakes? Too many "dudes" worried about what other "dudes" are wearing.

2. This one is pretty easy because they've already come to fruition. Undefeated white/gum and ballistic.

3. I'd go with what was said prior, something along the line of the Nike Air Jordan box or all red.

4. I guess I'd hafta say my local skate shop. The owner is really chill and down to earth. The other day when I picked up the WPFs he spent over an hour helping out a kid pick out skate shoes and gave him info on what deck to buy. The kid was a beginner and the owner went through the entire process of picking out board size, trucks, wheels, bearings etc. All the while still helping out other clients. Thats awesome customer service. Transport skate in eagle rock.

5. Honestly can't answer this. Mostly when I cop kicks I'm in and out. Alot of my Js i've bought online. Can't say I've ever had bad service.

Now back to the fake/replica question, this is not to be confused with unauthorized/early release pairs which is a WHOLE other topic. I know BIP Roberts has been very vocal about it standing by his whole intellectual property stance but it's each persons opinion. The fact is we don't know where exactly these unauth pairs come from. Is it another factory using identical materials and processes or are these pairs from the Nike factory being snuck out? From what I've read early released/unauth pairs are from the actual Nike Factory. The way its described is as follows: Nike/JB have meeting about upcoming shoe. Sample is produced and shown to Nike. Nike approves samples sends to OEM factory. The sample and ‘TECH PACK’ are given to the OEM factory for mass production of say 1000 units for $XXX money. The OEM factory allows OVERRUNS to compensate for possible faulty, defected units or Factory B-Grades. Therefore the factory produces 1000 units + OVERRUN units. The OEM shows these OVERRUNS in the manufacturing cost as write-offs so on paper when Nike does an audit these are considered ‘destroyed’. These pairs are later sold out of the factory to early released sites. Now that entire process was done at a NIKE factory so simply because it doesn't appear on Nike records it's not an authentic shoe? Also how about this in the mix. Probably one of the most wanted never produced dunks was the Freddy Krueger dunk. All the produced units were ordered destroyed but like many know some factory employees were able to grab pairs thus making them available. Now is this dunk a fake or not worth owning because it shouldn't exist?
Idk the geography of everyone here. I am going to London and then Madrid in the next few weeks. Where would I be able to find QS SBs? I know Spain is more into air maxes but I think they look weird on big feet.

European girls with air maxes tho >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1. Personally I dont wear fakes nor will I ever. However I dont really care if someone is wearing fakes, its not my business. I have this hobby for my own satisfaction so I really couldnt care less about the next man and his shoes.
P.s. regarding the discussion above i was unaware of the differences between fakes and unauthorized pairs. Thanks for clearing that up. From now on I will not comment on that subject in this thread.

2. I cant really think of an answer for this one right now so I'll have to come back and edit when I do.

3. I think a red box with black or white lettering would be :smoking
I think a nice bright vibrent color would look nice when I open the cloest (not that it really matters lol)

4. Best shop I've dealt with is Civil. Its my local shop and they have a great owner and great employees. Premier is a close second.

5. Worst is BP. They were terrible with the blue levis restock recently. I explained before but they told me theyd ship to the us, then they said Canada only. Then when i gave them a candian address to ship to the said "actually we dont ship". they were very rude about the whole thing
WTH happened here....

1. I don't care if people wear fakes, just don't act like you have exclusives or something that's its not. That goes for unauthorized/replica pairs too.

2. Can't really think of some samples, however some NT'ers photoshop markups have been pretty dope and I wouldn't mind getting a pair in those color ways.

3. I think a green or red box with black or white font would be nice. Are boxes year to year with SBs? Never really paid attention like that.

4. Haven't had a bad experience with any skate shops so far. Civil, Premier and SPoT stick out though. Real cool people working there. I don't remember the name of the shop John00 referred me to for the Krampus release but they were good too.

5.Finishline is the worst IMO, with Champs a close second. I'm talking online though, never had a problem in-store which I rarely visit anyway.

Dope SOL, need those bad.
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