2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Just hit Klik in Pensacola...asked dude if he had anything in my size range not on display...homie pulls out Jams, Nontourages, RESNs, Moats, and Larry Perkins on me...lol

"These will all be over box price, of course..."
on 2013 everyone is posting #teamSOMP now I missed those tags, because of that I was hook into the SB scene, and SOMP was my first SB

and my favorite, always on my feet everyweek and there are times that I just wear it the whole week.

Looking forward to some great SB releases, I haven't purchase for 2015, waiting patiently
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If you guys think he got banned for  #makingsomehashtags or #turkeytalk, you're wronger than a pair of thousand dollar freddies.
Was he banned just in this thread? Because he just posted some .gifs with hash tags in another thread.
Good choice^^

I wore my SOMP x Ace Elite air cast to work again today. No teenagers tried to punk me today!

That's good to know fam gotta watchout for those teens lol Go on and get that ankle recovered. I'm wearing my "mini SOMPs" (QuarterSnacks) today.
kind of regret selling these, my biggest problem is getting rid of stuff that just sits and I don't wear

I have that same problem. I buy so much that at times I just get overwhelmed due to the clutter and start selling pairs... Then, soon enough I'm wishing I had them back and can't find the pair or can't find it for what i originally paid in honor of MSR

dam cant believe Rice is gone. It was cool seeing all the dope pickups he got and how fast he'd get one after the other. Funny dude too and those LM ocean pics are beyond epic. Hashbrown hashbrown.
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