2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Transport Skate in Eagle Rock just tweeted they got the WOFs. Don't know price, if they do phone orders or sizes available but shoot them a call. Arbi is good peoples over there

(323) 550-8115
I guess I'm in the minority, but I really dig thos Made for Skates. I like mid cut dunks a lot and I like the colorway. I'll definitely try for a pair.
apparently BP still has 7 pairs left.. might be worth a shot to give em a call and ask for a phone order
repped for all your info and help.

purchased off them for $143 semi steep specially after finding out that my local had them for box price in-store. but oh well not really complaining since it included shipping and taxes
can anyone englighten on to doing out of state phone orders are shops still supposed to tax, Ive heard both sides of the story but more people say shops should not tax for out of state orders
can anyone englighten on to doing out of state phone orders are shops still supposed to tax, Ive heard both sides of the story but more people say shops should not tax for out of state orders
Typically if its an out of state order the customer is not charged the local tax.
can anyone englighten on to doing out of state phone orders are shops still supposed to tax, Ive heard both sides of the story but more people say shops should not tax for out of state orders
some places do, others dont... i think your supposed to get taxed though. when i purchase things online for example NDC or FTL i usually see that cali tax ...

n im talking bout getting taxed from where you live.... i would love it if they taxed me only with there state tax hahaha
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You are only supposed to get taxed if the vendor has a business in your state. Vertical Urge added NC tax to my WOF's shipping to Texas. I wasn't gonna argue about it, was still a boatload cheaper than my local. I'll continue to support them.
i live in cali when i get taxed, i get the cali tax which is a nice amount... i would much rather get taxed from the shops state tax that im ordering from then Calis, as its one of the worsts State taxes XD

They charge you California tax even if you order something from out of state? Or is it just if the shop has a brick and mortar establishment in California?

Well than Indiana has one (and only 1!) benefit. I've never been taxed on anything I've ordered online since Indiana doesn't have ANY stores worth ordering anything from. Seriously, I order my shampoo online, my vitamins, everything.
Pennsylvania does not have tax on shoes and stuff. But from what I understand you should only get taxed if your ordering from within your state.

You should not for out of state, but I've seen numerous sites beside just shoes only charge tax to CA residents (not sure if the estaishment was located in CA or not). But I'm pretty sure you SHOULDN'T get taxed if out of state.

Someone needs to get a definite answer to this cause that's alot of money saved for people who constantly out of state order
Pennsylvania does not have tax on shoes and stuff. But from what I understand you should only get taxed if your ordering from within your state.

You should not for out of state, but I've seen numerous sites beside just shoes only charge tax to CA residents (not sure if the estaishment was located in CA or not). But I'm pretty sure you SHOULDN'T get taxed if out of state.

Someone needs to get a definite answer to this cause that's alot of money saved for people who constantly out of state order

That's what I've always assumed. Maybe Cali is different? States rights?
FTC I bought from Vertical I was charged tax, Red firecrackers I bought from blindside I was charged tax, Brazil lows I bought from GDS I was charged tax. Wasn't charged tax from my purchases from Premier though.

SPOT charged me tax also, but I live in the State, so that doesn't count.
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