2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Emo post warning lol about this time last year wife and I were stressing about our daughter being born waaay early at 25 weeks. I came here to vent and you guys offered support, prayers and words of encouragement for us. I just wanted to thank you all again for the support. It definitely helped us through the year especially those first few months with her in NICU. Here's a pic of her a year ago vs. Her 1 year Birthday today!


And a quick on foot from the day. Haha Happy New Year NTSB fam. Be safe out there if yall going out tonight.
I have resold pairs before but it was to downsize my collection and it was pairs I didn't wear as much as I do my others. But I do feel like if I had a bigger house (or bigger closet for that matter) I wouldn't resell a thing. Haven't needed to sell anything off since 2015 or 2014 now though. I've also slowed down on what I pass up on and what I go after as well as that was a big reason I ended up with pairs not getting worn. Pretty much had a stint in like 2013 and down where i was practically buying every new release I remotely had interest in lol.
Happy New Year everyone. I watched your video verse001 verse001 , and I totally agree with your sentiments. In particular those people that go about trying to buy up as many pairs of hyped releases as possible (via botting, cook groups, line bullying, personal backdooring, etc.), STRICTLY and SOLELY to gouge prices and sell back to people trying to get them. Ultimately, I never will and never could knock their hustle, especially considering we’re taking about products (shoes) which in our case are ABSOLUTELY materialistic and not a necessity at all, but that sht does annoy the fk outta me, especially when I’m just trying to buy single pairs to own and wear. Again, we don’t NEED our SBs, Jordans, Nike’s, whatever’s, and it’s not like these resellers are buying up baby formula or something else vital/important to our lives or the lives of others, so I can’t get too up in arms. I still hate it, and I’d never personally give anyone that does this type of thing big props or anything, but unfortunately it’s the reality of this shoe universe in which we live. Kicks are a passion of mine, and others here obviously, and I recognize this reality is unfortunately inescapable for some pairs I have wanted and will want in the future.
Happy New Year everyone. I watched your video verse001 verse001 , and I totally agree with your sentiments. In particular those people that go about trying to buy up as many pairs of hyped releases as possible (via botting, cook groups, line bullying, personal backdooring, etc.), STRICTLY and SOLELY to gouge prices and sell back to people trying to get them. Ultimately, I never will and never could knock their hustle, especially considering we’re taking about products (shoes) which in our case are ABSOLUTELY materialistic and not a necessity at all, but that sht does annoy the fk outta me, especially when I’m just trying to buy single pairs to own and wear. Again, we don’t NEED our SBs, Jordans, Nike’s, whatever’s, and it’s not like these resellers are buying up baby formula or something else vital/important to our lives or the lives of others, so I can’t get too up in arms. I still hate it, and I’d never personally give anyone that does this type of thing big props or anything, but unfortunately it’s the reality of this shoe universe in which we live. Kicks are a passion of mine, and others here obviously, and I recognize this reality is unfortunately inescapable for some pairs I have wanted and will want in the future.
Totally. i’m personally going to try to stick to not paying resale for pairs. I do get that it’s very hard to do that when you really want certain shoes. I’m hoping the inner collector in me doesn’t do something stupid this year LOL
Totally. i’m personally going to try to stick to not paying resale for pairs. I do get that it’s very hard to do that when you really want certain shoes. I’m hoping the inner collector in me doesn’t do something stupid this year LOL

Word. This was a new years resolution of mine. I've had a ton of luck with raffles at my local shop last year, so going to hope that continues and move on from any shoe I dont get there or SNKRs. Unless something really special to me comes out... then we goin buck wild.
Couple of my top pickups from 2019. Both long time grails of mine that I was super happy to add to the collection. Found the plums in a random Buffalo Exchange for $65!


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